I found a wallet last night

Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
Sorry to hear about that Dave, fucking scumbag i hope he died, seriously. THis is where i will sound like a hypocrite, because I HATE burglars and car thieves. Lowest of the low. If you found the bag i found though and it had no ID in it, nothing except cash, would you have handed it in or kept it? I would like to think i'm not a 'person like that', as you put it just cos I would keep the cash. To me that cash has no owner, however if it had ID in it, well then I would seriously have to think about it hard and I hope I would contact the person and give it back.

It's not you who i'm referring to Pidge, I haven't read the whole thread.

No I know you weren't mate. No worries.
Pigeonho said:
About 10 years ago me and our kid went to the shops for some booze and as we parked up we noticed a handbag. Inside was, (and I kid you not), about 2 or 3k in £50 notes. At the time I was skint and was chuffed to fuck I found it. My bro though wasn't skint and handed the fucking thing in to the customer services part. Never forgive him for that as it would have changed my life. Ok the moral issue is it could have been a sum of money the person couldn't afford to lose, but my arguement was that the customer services person would simply have removed the money and said the bag was handed in empty. Our kid just said 'thats for them to live with'. Live with?!!!! WTF!
definatley should have took it, most likley some low-life, drug dealing, gangster type scumbag :) or someone vey rich to whom it would have been pocket money :)
Obvious Mancunian said:
Pigeonho said:
About 10 years ago me and our kid went to the shops for some booze and as we parked up we noticed a handbag. Inside was, (and I kid you not), about 2 or 3k in £50 notes. At the time I was skint and was chuffed to fuck I found it. My bro though wasn't skint and handed the fucking thing in to the customer services part. Never forgive him for that as it would have changed my life. Ok the moral issue is it could have been a sum of money the person couldn't afford to lose, but my arguement was that the customer services person would simply have removed the money and said the bag was handed in empty. Our kid just said 'thats for them to live with'. Live with?!!!! WTF!
definatley should have took it, most likley some low-life, drug dealing, gangster type scumbag :) or someone vey rich to whom it would have been pocket money :)

..or someone ordinary person like you and me who had just withdrawn the money to pay a flat deposit.

By the way, which part of England do the gangsters and drug dealers carry handbags?
Didsbury Dave said:
AntonDonJuan said:
My bird's pretty well off, lives with her folks in a big house, .

Absolutely PMSL

Fucking priceless.
Funny story how we met actually, there i was, breaking into this big old house in the middle of the night, when she caught me, arse hanging out the window in a very embaressing position. We sat down, shared a bottle of wine, which ironically i'd just lifted from their drinks cabinet, and the rest is history
Your posts have no credibility now I know your "bird's" parents live with Mummy and Daddy.

Do you shag her in the back of the car? Or are you just at the "fingering" stage?

If any of you cashpoint theives' crimescene was Timperley Village a couple of years ago, please can I have my money back (£120 i think), I promised not to get smashed in the daytime again forgetting to take my cash out of the cash machine. ;)
Didsbury Dave said:
Your posts have no credibility now I know your "bird's" parents live with Mummy and Daddy.

Do you shag her in the back of the car? Or are you just at the "fingering" stage?

See now i think you've got yourself in a muddle Dave, i said my bird lives with her mam and dad, not her man and dad live with their mam and dad. This is down to the fact that i'm 21 and she's 19. We aint all old farts like yourself my friend
AntonDonJuan said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Your posts have no credibility now I know your "bird's" parents live with Mummy and Daddy.

Do you shag her in the back of the car? Or are you just at the "fingering" stage?

See now i think you've got yourself in a muddle Dave, i said my bird lives with her mam and dad, not her man and dad live with their mam and dad. This is down to the fact that i'm 21 and she's 19. We aint all old farts like yourself my friend

Off you pop sonny.

Come back when your balls have dropped.
Didsbury Dave said:
AntonDonJuan said:
See now i think you've got yourself in a muddle Dave, i said my bird lives with her mam and dad, not her man and dad live with their mam and dad. This is down to the fact that i'm 21 and she's 19. We aint all old farts like yourself my friend

Off you pop sonny.

Come back when your balls have dropped.
Genius, i love your witty replies when you've got nothing else to say. I'm guessing you've passed the age of 45 and are upset that you'll never live your youth again. Which is a shame Dave, i have to say, there's nothing better than being 21, finding £20 on the floor, not having a mortgage to worry about because you still live with mummy and pay keep and thinking "I won't hand this in, i'll spend it down the pub with the lads"

It sure as fuck makes my day

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