I just handed my notice in..

Started a new (and promising) job at a golf course a few weeks ago. It all started ok but after a week or 2 I noticed a couple of the "in" guys took a bit of a disliking to me. I tried to ignore it but I kind of felt like it could get worse.
By week 3 I knew people were suddenly going quiet when I entered the break room, like they were all talking about me. Sad fucks..
I needed this job, had a rough time recently.
It's hard when this happens, I am a bit political and a member of MAGA, that's why I moved to Florida. I thought everyone here was like me.

It's kind of heartbreaking what's happened, I'm a reformed alcoholic and my dog died recently. I hope I don't fall off the wagon. I live alone and I'm a hard worker but ATEOTD... I just want people to like me. :(

I gave the reqd. 2 weeks notice, but this weird overweight guy who's into (obsessed with) some British singer said, "just fuck off now"....bit cruel ?
You are not pleased..?
Plenty of job opportunities out there.
Could be a preacher could be a teacher.
Started a new (and promising) job at a golf course a few weeks ago. It all started ok but after a week or 2 I noticed a couple of the "in" guys took a bit of a disliking to me. I tried to ignore it but I kind of felt like it could get worse.
By week 3 I knew people were suddenly going quiet when I entered the break room, like they were all talking about me. Sad fucks..
I needed this job, had a rough time recently.
It's hard when this happens, I am a bit political and a member of MAGA, that's why I moved to Florida. I thought everyone here was like me.

It's kind of heartbreaking what's happened, I'm a reformed alcoholic and my dog died recently. I hope I don't fall off the wagon. I live alone and I'm a hard worker but ATEOTD... I just want people to like me. :(

I gave the reqd. 2 weeks notice, but this weird overweight guy who's into (obsessed with) some British singer said, "just fuck off now"....bit cruel ?
Bill, you made the right decision, you only get one go around and there's always something better than putting up with shit.

But the main points I took were:

1. Don't be tempted to have a drink, you don't need it.
2. It's Impossible for everyone to like you, the sooner you realise it and also consider that who gives a shit what they think, the better.
3. Make sure they pay you the 2 weeks notice, if they want you there or not.

Good luck with it all.
Started a new (and promising) job at a golf course a few weeks ago. It all started ok but after a week or 2 I noticed a couple of the "in" guys took a bit of a disliking to me. I tried to ignore it but I kind of felt like it could get worse.
By week 3 I knew people were suddenly going quiet when I entered the break room, like they were all talking about me. Sad fucks..
I needed this job, had a rough time recently.
It's hard when this happens, I am a bit political and a member of MAGA, that's why I moved to Florida. I thought everyone here was like me.

It's kind of heartbreaking what's happened, I'm a reformed alcoholic and my dog died recently. I hope I don't fall off the wagon. I live alone and I'm a hard worker but ATEOTD... I just want people to like me. :(

I gave the reqd. 2 weeks notice, but this weird overweight guy who's into (obsessed with) some British singer said, "just fuck off now"....bit cruel ?
Get the ring leaders cd collection and smash them to fuck and then stick the eggheads trophy up his arse before telling them to stick the job after putting concentrated fertiliser on the greens. If you don’t feel better after that you never will and it will take your mind off the dog
Bill, you made the right decision, you only get one go around and there's always something better than putting up with shit.

But the main points I took were:

1. Don't be tempted to have a drink, you don't need it.
2. It's Impossible for everyone to like you, the sooner you realise it and also consider that who gives a shit what they think, the better.
3. Make sure they pay you the 2 weeks notice, if they want you there or not.

Good luck with it all.
The Post Office scandal pails into insignificance when compared to this. I feel so sorry for the OP, to be hounded out of the job he loved by bullies makes my heart bleed.
Wait, are some people taking this thread seriously? A 70 odd year old living on the Gold Coast in Oz, gets a job in Florida?
Yep, didn’t clock his name when I read the thread last night. The same Bill that posts on the joke thread, a lot. I think he’s taking the piss out of the poster who, along with his colleagues have a bad apple in their work team, the “Collective grievance at work thread” think Bill is posing as the **** in that thread.
Wait, are some people taking this thread seriously? A 70 odd year old living on the Gold Coast in Oz, gets a job in Florida?
Are you going ageist? Why can't a 70yr old get a job if he wants one.
Plus, what's wrong with him getting a job in Hamericur ? In Oz if you are not a prison officer you are an alligator wrestler.* Both a pretty shit jobs. Good on him for seeking new challenges

*People boxing kangaroos was outlawed 2 years ago so it no longer counts as a job.

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