I just handed my notice in..

I gave the reqd. 2 weeks notice, but this weird overweight guy who's into (obsessed with) some British singer said, "just fuck off now"....bit cruel ?
You want to watch yourself, it's his second favourite fettish. Start something then fuck it off after a couple of songs weeks.

His favourite is when you arrange to meet him, let him pay for all his trave and then cancel on him at the last minute. There's this vegetarian* he bothers who's done that to him 87 times - and he still goes back for more.

*Yes, he mentions it!
Are you going ageist? Why can't a 70yr old get a job if he wants one.
Plus, what's wrong with him getting a job in Hamericur ? In Oz if you are not a prison officer you are an alligator wrestler.* Both a pretty shit jobs. Good on him for seeking new challenges

*People boxing kangaroos was outlawed 2 years ago so it no longer counts as a job.
*Crocodile wrestler Misty, no fake Crocs here..

think Bill is posing as the **** in that thread.

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