I Know It’s Over

I've got a sneaky feeling that Johnny may need to add a few Mars Bars to help improve the taste of the humble pie he'll be eating in the coming weeks. I think one for a win and a fun size one for a draw.

A Mars a day helps you work rest and not panic, or summat like that; )
I thought OP was fishing with this thread?
Not based on what he posted in the Title Race thread, where he stridently claimed possession of ‘reality’, which was certainly a bold thing to assert, especially given it implies those who don’t agree with him are not in touch with it. I would say you’ve got to be confident of the ground you stand on to say that.

Anyway, like I said a couple of nights ago, we are all capable of getting things spectacularly wrong, myself included. Best thing to do is put your hands up and move on.

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