Hmm, I do agree with you. My knowledge of football history isn't what it could be.
Also, I did write 'ever' under the presumption that people would add the caveat '. . . for us [City]' on their own, what with this being a discussion about City. Perhaps I'm guilty, if anything, of simply being careless/lazy with my economy of language. Criminal, really, given my "pretentions of intelligence". . .
Or (as postulated in Roland Barthe's Death of the Author) does the fault lie with you (the reader) for failing to grasp the implicit, given the context of the wider text?
Perhaps, also, if you had the intelligence you think you have (and quite rightly), you wouldn't make the same kind of presumptions I did, about people's comprehension skills, about my intelligence in order to just rudely have a pop at me.