i want de jong out of the team

Nigel De Jong is our best tackling midfielder without him last season we wouldn't ov finished anywhere near where we did. He kept all the big boys quiet last year when we played them and to prove my point we last to the rags thanks to him being substituted in both games. Nigel is class he ain't there to score goals and to compare him with Barry Milner and yaya is Just daft Nigel is a dm and only a dm and our best 1 by far :) Hart Lescott Kolo Kompany Zaba De Jong yaya Milner Silva Tevez and Adebayor is how I would set up against Liverpool Monday night
Joycee Banercheck said:
Neil McNab said:
Did nigel have his hand up Hart's arse, operating him like a puppet?
Or was it that Kolo, Kompany and Hart played really well and that De Jong just had an easy ride with the reduced number of duties he's expected to perform.
Hw was shagging your wife. He actually said I'm gonna bum Neil McNab's wife. He may have shagged you, but being the stealth operator that he is, you might not know. Are you sore? Does a brick fuck you lately?
Sorry mate but it was your boyfriend he was bumming, filling in the cracks at the back!<br /><br />-- Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:55 pm --<br /><br />
citytill1die84 said:
Nigel De Jong is our best tackling midfielder, without him last season we wouldn't have finished anywhere near where we did. He kept all the big boys quiet last year, when we played them, and to prove my point we lost to the rags thanks to him being substituted in both games. Nigel is class, he ain't there to score goals, and to compare him with Barry, Milner and yaya is Just daft, Nigel is a dm and only a dm and our best 1 by far :) Hart Lescott Kolo Kompany Zaba De Jong yaya Milner Silva Tevez and Adebayor is how I would set up against Liverpool Monday night
Utter fucking illiterate drivel, seems to go hand in hand with being a De Jong fan!
The sad truth is the majority of fans are not happy unless there slagging off someone, to compare ndj to millner is stupid yes Milner does tackle and get forward but when he gets forward who do u think is covering and allowing him to get forward , yes u guessed it ndj, we slag robbi off for not gettin back and ndj formnot getting forward but guess what not every role in a team is to be a jack of all trades specialist players are needed and we have the best in ndj be happy and grateful we have him
ayia napa blues said:
The sad truth is the majority of fans are not happy unless there slagging off someone, to compare ndj to millner is stupid yes Milner does tackle and get forward but when he gets forward who do u think is covering and allowing him to get forward , yes u guessed it ndj, we slag robbi off for not gettin back and ndj formnot getting forward but guess what not every role in a team is to be a jack of all trades specialist players are needed and we have the best in ndj be happy and grateful we have him

Disagree entirely sorry. The people that slag off our players with comments like "OMG ADEBAYOR IS THE LAZIEST PLAYER EVER!!@" are the same people that love De Jong because he runs around like a headless chicken and crashes into people.

I may think De Jong offers very little to the team in comparison to Barry but I would always support him.
Sabster said:
ayia napa blues said:
The sad truth is the majority of fans are not happy unless there slagging off someone, to compare ndj to millner is stupid yes Milner does tackle and get forward but when he gets forward who do u think is covering and allowing him to get forward , yes u guessed it ndj, we slag robbi off for not gettin back and ndj formnot getting forward but guess what not every role in a team is to be a jack of all trades specialist players are needed and we have the best in ndj be happy and grateful we have him

Disagree entirely sorry. The people that slag off our players with comments like "OMG ADEBAYOR IS THE LAZIEST PLAYER EVER!!@" are the same people that love De Jong because he runs around like a headless chicken and crashes into people.

I may think De Jong offers very little to the team in comparison to Barry but I would always support him.
Or maybe they don't. Maybe someone offers an opinion that shuts you up, promptong you to send a message like you just did.
Neil McNab said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Hw was shagging your wife. He actually said I'm gonna bum Neil McNab's wife. He may have shagged you, but being the stealth operator that he is, you might not know. Are you sore? Does a brick fuck you lately?
Sorry mate but it was your boyfriend he was bumming, filling in the cracks at the back!

-- Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:55 pm --

citytill1die84 said:
Nigel De Jong is our best tackling midfielder, without him last season we wouldn't have finished anywhere near where we did. He kept all the big boys quiet last year, when we played them, and to prove my point we lost to the rags thanks to him being substituted in both games. Nigel is class, he ain't there to score goals, and to compare him with Barry, Milner and yaya is Just daft, Nigel is a dm and only a dm and our best 1 by far :) Hart Lescott Kolo Kompany Zaba De Jong yaya Milner Silva Tevez and Adebayor is how I would set up against Liverpool Monday night
Utter fucking illiterate drivel, seems to go hand in hand with being a De Jong fan!

..god - you are one incredibly up your own arse twat

no point trying to reason with someone without the ability to rationalise and with such an ego that they just rubbish fellow fans

you are so convinced that you must be right that you are closed to debate - you must be a real prick to work or live with - get off your high horse you sanctimonious prick
i do agree with what certain people on here are saying that they dont want NDJ in the team, i mean when you see him go in for a tackle around the box, does anyone think like i do, please nige, dont give away a needless foul here!!!!

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