I Want Joey Barton back....

Why all the negative comments about Joey, as far as i'm concerned he's a model professional and a first class role model to young kids out there, anyone who says otherwise is a big faggot
COME BACK JOEY! All is forgiven!

Seriously, the OP makes a fair point - we lack a Joey-TYPE player in midfield and I've been saying it for 18months. We just don't have that edge in midfield when the going gets tough.

Is Scott Parker the answer? Maybe, he's not as much of a thug as Joey but his passing is better, he's regularly in the England squad (but ok miles off being first choice) and would compliment Kompany perfectly.
Our midfield's been lightweight since he left and lets face it
he did fight for the shirt (literally) ....

why not get gerry gow instead !!
I don't want him back. He's hardly played any football in the last year, he is an idiot and an embarrassment and we should be aiming for better.

However, in the last three years (if you discount the last year as he has hardly played) he has been a better Premier League performer than Scott Parker and I bet even Newcastle fans would acknowledge that the few games Barton has been properly fit for them he has been more effective than Parker ever was for them.

Still wouldn't have him back on a free though.
I don't want him back either but I do want a player "like him" back in the squad. Maybe two. Not his off feild antics but for toughness, energy and dedication he showed on the field. For the fear he sparked in the opposition. Our current midfield strikes fear in no one until we are near their box. I don't want to see anymore news speculation of ""what striker City are signing next". For God's sake, we score enough goals to win most games as it is, but only when we can keep balls out of our own net. Here's to the hopes that Hughes and Cook find a tough hard nosed Central Midfielder at a resonable fee to add to the squad as well as a solid center back to assist Dunne and Richards. Someone that will add some spine to the limp backfield. I don't think we need a keeper straight off either. Hart can be just fine if the boys would give him a bit of protection, instead of handing throw-ins to the opposition right in Hart's box.... WTF was that anyway? Hart needs to work on his set plays (crosses to0) and his communication with his defensive protection. Sometimes they look like the 6 man version of the Three Stooges back there.

Let Hughes assemble a solid top half finishing capable squad, then we can worry and speculate on which current world star footballer will be or should be joining the City revolution.

Hope you hate my first post! :-D

City Till I Die!
Erik in the States
Wooderbeen said:
The main problem that Joey Barton had was that he wasn't a very good player. You can run around kicking people, kissing your badge and looking intense all you want but personally I think it's what you do with the ball at your feet that counts most. He wasn't very good.

The thread was posted as a bit of a lighthearted joke, but i won't have it that
Joey was a bad player he is and was a top class premiership player.
You all have selective memories if you can't recognise what he did for us as
a player.

an average player,no better than michael brown or jeff whitley,all headless chickens
billsbigbanana said:
The thread was posted as a bit of a lighthearted joke, but i won't have it that
Joey was a bad player he is and was a top class premiership player.
You all have selective memories if you can't recognise what he did for us as
a player.

an average player,no better than michael brown or jeff whitley,all headless chickens

England cap,at his peak looked at very seriously by Mr Wenger(Confirmed by John Wardle in an interview) and regularly applauded by most knowledgable football pundits as being Man City best player at that time.
i'd say that puts him in the top class bracket, not world class but pretty bloody good !

Never ceases to amaze me how many people who applauded him and shouted his name
jump on the tabloid bandwagon and forget what he did.

In no way would Joey ever pull on a city shirt nor would i seriously want him too,
but we need a player with his passion and commitment .
I'd choose Joey over Scott Parker anyday if my life depended on the match result !!
billsbigbanana said:
England cap,at his peak looked at very seriously by Mr Wenger(Confirmed by John Wardle in an interview) and regularly applauded by most knowledgable football pundits as being Man City best player at that time.
i'd say that puts him in the top class bracket, not world class but pretty bloody good !

Never ceases to amaze me how many people who applauded him and shouted his name
jump on the tabloid bandwagon and forget what he did.

In no way would Joey ever pull on a city shirt nor would i seriously want him too,
but we need a player with his passion and commitment .
I'd choose Joey over Scott Parker anyday if my life depended on the match result !!

he was the best of a bad bunch at the time
city fans have always been the same,they'll cheer and clap almost any new player that runs round like a fuckin lunatic and kick anything that moves i.e nicky reid,danny tiatto,brown,whitley.......barton,until the penny drops and they realise that their not very good afterall
Wooderbeen said:
he was the best of a bad bunch at the time
city fans have always been the same,they'll cheer and clap almost any new player that runs round like a fuckin lunatic and kick anything that moves i.e nicky reid,danny tiatto,brown,whitley.......barton,until the penny drops and they realise that their not very good afterall

Wrong City fans have always cheered and clapped players who tried hard and showed signs of being bothered. When you consider the current state of the Premier League, fans want to see players playing for their side who give a shit. The gutless display last saturday showed to me how many of our current players give a shit.......none. The above mentioned players weren't bad footballers, but also weren't particularly good footballers. However to try and make up for their short comings they tried hard. Nothing wrong with that. And as for saying they run around kicking people......its a fucking contact sport. Mike Doyle made a career out of kicking the shit out of other players (mainly rags!!!) but no one complained!!!

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