I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands - Pics Added

Re: I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands Tomorrow

Fantastic Mark. Harvey's looking great mate, and no doubt it'll be a top day for all your family. Fully deserved.

I remember the News Of The World article when he was younger. When I read it I thought to myself what a brave little boy. Harvey is a credit to you mate. Glad the little fella is doing well.

He'll be getting a big cheer, don't worry about that ;-)
Re: I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands Tomorrow

Nice one CB. Great to see your lad growing up so well (and you back on here). Have a great day tomorrow and i'll be keeping an eye out for Harvey.
Re: I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands Tomorrow

Nice one mate, hopefully a day he and you'll remember for life.

The nearest my lad got to that was taking a pen against Moonchester v Swindon some years ago. He's still pissed that it was saved.
Re: I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands Tomorrow

All the best Colin and Harvey on your big day.

A Tevez hatrick is the least the slinky haired striker can do for the both of you to add a bit of spice for the captains main may against Wigan.
Re: I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands Tomorrow

I bet he hardly slept a wink last night through excitement.

This is a wonderful post to read and has genuinely moved me.

All the best mate and I hope the day is capped off with a great display by the lads.

On a serious note this is why it bothers me so much when I see footballers (from any club) put in flat, half-hearted performances. Because they must encounter such brave, inspiring kids regularly and know that they will be watching from the stands.
Thats why its perfect that Harvey will be lead out holding the hand of Carlos. Because you're virtually guarenteed he'll be looked after properly before the game then will be roused further with a 100% effort from his hero.
Re: I Will Be The Proudest Blue Inside Eastlands Tomorrow

This is a magical post. You look so proud in that picture. What a soldier he looks too.

My son was a mascot in our last season at Maine Road, and it was a truly memorable day.

I hope you have a day to remember too.

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