I wish Everton get tookover by filthy rich lads


Well-Known Member
23 Oct 2010
Just to see how the would act. I have a few Everton supporting contacts in my line of work and all weekend they have given me nothing but horse shit.

You know, just the usual steroetypical bollocks

"i'd hate to become like you lot, bought out by a load of bored arabs in their robes swapping and changing managers and signing blank cheques like it is going out of fashion"

"you have no soul, you sold your soul to the arabs, your players only want to be there for the money, the whole place is one souless place"

"everton have a proud history of buying young players, getting the right manager in and building successful sides, i would hate to become what you have to watch, players on 200k a week doing fuck all and being ripped off for it"

"joke club run by bored rich boys who have no clue on how to run or build a football club, give me everton vs tranmere, two sets of teams who play for the shirt in a good old fashioned british football game than see you play barca in the champions league final, if that was us in your posistion playing barca in the champions league final after what has gone on, i wouldn't cherish it as much as a cup final win with the side and board we have now"

They are slowly creeping up from 2nd to join the rags on my most despised club out there.

I really hope we tonked them today to go top of the league.
It's well known they have been the most bitter fans about our takeover.

They are crying out for one, just go on any everton forum when there's a whisper of a takeover about to happen and watch them getting all giddy hoping it's them.
Shooter 83 said:
It's well known they have been the most bitter fans about our takeover.

They are crying out for one, just go on any everton forum when there's a whisper of a takeover about to happen and watch them getting all giddy hoping it's them.

Absolute bollocks lid. You were takenover in August 2008 and it never even merited a mention on any of our sites and the hostility from both sides only started during the Lescott saga the following summer. Good luck to City. Your fans have been through a lot over the years,stuck with your club and are now getting your reward.

Most blue Scousers can't fucking wait to see the back of the bungling buffoon that is Bill Kenwright. Our club being taken over is long overdue.
It's well known they have been the most bitter fans about our takeover.

Personally i think that accolade goes to Aston Villa and there chairman Randy empty pockets.
I hope they go the way of Leeds or worse. I would relish seeing them in non-league football. I have a couple of mates who are blue dippers and they are getting on my tits about this match and our players being mercenaries.
My award goes to Everton for the most bitter fans based on what I've seen. Not even that close either. As for just being pissed off over Lescott, I don't buy it. You got a fantastic deal there. £24m is more than enough to buy a replacement. We bought Kompany for £6m and he's in a different league to Lescott. Don't blame us for having shit owners/chairman/board who won't put the profit from transfers back into the kitty.

I don't actually blame them for being bitter. I would be in their situation. I think anyone immediately threatened by us is entitled to be bitter. They only want the best for their club. It only makes me laugh when they claim they wouldn't want to be in our situation. As happened with the red scouse when there was rumours of Chinese SWF takeover, there'd be a complete role reversal/pleading justification as to why this is different to City i.e. they're buying the club because of its history, or they're only going to spend £50 million per transfer window (this is healthy) compared to £100 million (a disgrace), or even, they only have to do this because they have to compete with City so it's City's fault. Another thing that made me laugh is when Everton and Villa fans couldn't see that it was just a matter of time before we'd overtake them. One of the reasons they professed for being bitter was that their players leaving couldn't be a career move and it was for the money. How hollow that looks now.
Jonno86 said:
Shooter 83 said:
It's well known they have been the most bitter fans about our takeover.

They are crying out for one, just go on any everton forum when there's a whisper of a takeover about to happen and watch them getting all giddy hoping it's them.

Absolute bollocks lid. You were takenover in August 2008 and it never even merited a mention on any of our sites and the hostility from both sides only started during the Lescott saga the following summer. Good luck to City. Your fans have been through a lot over the years,stuck with your club and are now getting your reward.

Most blue Scousers can't fucking wait to see the back of the bungling buffoon that is Bill Kenwright. Our club being taken over is long overdue.
You'd love our millions, though, wouldn't you? Don't pretend you don't.
WNRH said:
Just to see how the would act. I have a few Everton supporting contacts in my line of work and all weekend they have given me nothing but horse shit.

You know, just the usual steroetypical bollocks

"i'd hate to become like you lot, bought out by a load of bored arabs in their robes swapping and changing managers and signing blank cheques like it is going out of fashion"

"you have no soul, you sold your soul to the arabs, your players only want to be there for the money, the whole place is one souless place"

"everton have a proud history of buying young players, getting the right manager in and building successful sides, i would hate to become what you have to watch, players on 200k a week doing fuck all and being ripped off for it"

"joke club run by bored rich boys who have no clue on how to run or build a football club, give me everton vs tranmere, two sets of teams who play for the shirt in a good old fashioned british football game than see you play barca in the champions league final, if that was us in your posistion playing barca in the champions league final after what has gone on, i wouldn't cherish it as much as a cup final win with the side and board we have now"

They are slowly creeping up from 2nd to join the rags on my most despised club out there.

I really hope we tonked them today to go top of the league.

They are that bitter that one of the scouse rat bstards said to me on the day we got took over, he said "you sold your soul to the P***s, i mean, you go and try and buy one of their Hawks off 'em and see how far you get"? this lad was fkin serious (and i have known him for about 30 years and been to Woodison with him a few times in the 80s when we were playing them, so he knows how hard it's been for us blues) and he was goin' all red in the face and he stropped off down the Aisle(we was in Tesco), i just went to the cleaning aisle and threw a couple of tins of Polish and Brasso into his basket and said, you'll need them for our trophys, now fuk off.

Hawks for fux sake, it was bizarre. I sincereley hope they go down, please, please please.
BoundedCascade said:
I hope they go the way of Leeds or worse. I would relish seeing them in non-league football. I have a couple of mates who are blue dippers and they are getting on my tits about this match and our players being mercenaries.

Bounded, just remind them that it was indeed they that smashed all records to sign Alan Ball way back then, they also tried to buy the league in the 70s with Latchford etc, many a young-ish City fan would'nt have known this (me included), so just stick that into their bitter, nasty, rat faces.

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