Idrissa Gueye refuses to wear a rainbow shirt

Absolutely, but maybe when clubs / players are committing to each other they need the check they share the same values and be clear on company policy. I work for one of the top stonewall employers and although I'm sure I'm free to be a homophobic bigot should I so wish, if my company decides to show its support for LGBT rights then it's part of my job to do so while on their time at least?

No, it's not part of your job, a company has a right to your labour because that is the nature of the employment contract and it is reasonable that certain modes of behaviour regarding courtesy to fellow workers and customers should be adhered to, along with measures for health and safety, efficiency, perhaps a dress code and so on.

Beyond that you're your own man, or woman for that matter.
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Not a massive expert, but i am sure the only mention of homosexuality in the Quran is the same story as the old testament of soddom and gamora, where everyone was banging everything.

It isn't specifically anti faith to be gay, only interpreted that way by zealots (bit like fundamental christians too)

Bit of a flakey twat if a multicoloured shirt affects him so much ffs.
Think it is mentioned/written about more in the Hadith
So why have you said he isn't a gay? You've confused the heck out of me, or are we now entering Clarkie territory?

It's a joke mate, play on words.

His name sounds like Idris a Gay or could be Idr is a Gay

With his stance on the Rainbow,

Idr isn't a Gay.

You're making me work too hard on a throwaway comment mate ;-)

Obviously a lot has already been said about how this supposedly devout muslim has only made a stand about a symbol of LGBT inclusion, when he's spent half of his career wearing the logo of a beer company or gambling company. But I guess the wider question is whether players should be compelled to wear things that promote things they disagree with (like the poppy), even if it is something like anti-homophobia or anti-racism (let's be honest, a player publicly refusing to wear an anti-racism message would get far more stick because there's no obvious religious dogma to hide their bigotry behind). But another argument would be that he's paid a shit ton of money to wear what his club tells him to wear, and if he doesn't wear it and misses a game, he's not doing his job. It'd be like working for Disney and objecting to wearing something with Mickey Mouse on it.

What do you reckon?
I think ultimately we all have biases and beliefs. Some of them won’t be pleasant. To me, this one isn’t. It’s pure prejudice. But I actually think airing these things helps debate them, and I’d prefer them to be out in the open. It might help him understand his position and maybe change it. Cancelling people does the opposite.

I say this from the privileged position of having no real “protected characteristics” that would expose me to prejudice. If I had, maybe my view would be different

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