Just as some villages are suffering an idiot-shortage, it seems that "woodwork" is seeing a "coming-out" event of surprising proportions". I am old enough to remember when "Fleet Street" was a national asset, not perfect by any means, but light-years above the sewer that murdoch has full responsibility for creating. By leading the race to the gutter, dragging the rest with him, the harm to the industry and thereby the public, cannot be exaggerated. Out-right lies, out-right omissions, criminal acts, immoral and despicable behaviour as a mission statement, are the stock-in-trade of all murdoch businesses. Fucking hell, any of the numerous scandalous incidents since the rise of the "evil empire" should have seen him locked up, or at least deported. Compared to the serious harm done to the country, football matters are trivial ( except on a football forum obs.)
The treatment of Raz compared to the malicious lies perpetuated over Hillsborough is just one of many examples . Politicians are terrified of him, judges and coroners and police chiefs are firmly in his pocket, the FA as well as eufa dance to his tune. I would be amazed, but eternally grateful if HRH Mansour was to say enough is enough, fuck you murdoch and your poisonous minions, you're banned sine die........