If Mancini is sacked mid-season....

Even though I admit I didn't think Mark hughes was the right man, i am now of the opinion, firmly, that sacking him in the middle of the season was a monumental blunder, i don't think it was our owners, i think Garry Cook PERSUADED them to dispense with his services, I think they will be UNLIKELY to repeat such a move, remember, they were new to football, I suspect these supremely wealthy men are quick learners, or they would not be wealthy long, a fool is soon parted with his wealth!!
Plus at the end of the day, Mark was not their choice, which would make sacking Mancini now even more foolish looking a move
I don't think Garry Cook was a big player in Hughes's sacking.

I think these decisions come from Abu Dhabi.
Dave, be honest, you would very much like Mancini to go, the sooner the better, and there is no sooner than now.
Point I'm making Dave is, when the next guy, and God knows who he is, hits a rocky patch, when the football doesn't seem to flow and the results stutter abit, what then?
blucat599 said:
Dave, be honest, you would very much like Mancini to go, the sooner the better, and there is no sooner than now.
Point I'm making Dave is, when the next guy, and God knows who he is, hits a rocky patch, when the football doesn't seem to flow and the results stutter abit, what then?

I have never once said I want him to go now. I've disagreed with things he's done. There's a difference.

In some ways I agree with you. Whilst I felt Hughes was really struggling, a case could easily be made that his sacking at that time was a mistake. It lead to us appointing Mancini and hoping for Mourinho, which undermined Mancini. In retrospect it was all a bit of a mess. The owner was desperate for the top 4, he took a gamble and ultimately it failed because we didn't make it.

Which is why, if Mancini goes, now, end of the season, whenever, we have to get the right man in place, give him authority and stick with him. Not Rafa. Not anyone who's available now that I'm aware of. We need a leader of men. Someone who commands respect.
I can assure you he won't be going before the end of the season, and until Mourinho wants a change from RM, if ever, I would not want us to sack another manager and replace him with another gamble, the game this season has shown us all that it is very hard to play at a consistent level, every game, all the top teams have had big hiccups, Arsenal home to WBA, Chelsea to Sunderland, Yoonited drawing more than Mark hughes teams !
Mancini's job is very much harder, because we have a team that is relatively new, a team needs a couple of years playing together to get that understanding, it will come, if we don't keep changing managers
Board and above have to be careful. Whilst it's all well and good pushing for the best, if we can't get it continually it could have a detrimental effect every quickly.

Mangers seeing us as a 6 month pocket liner, no interest in whether we do well or not. Players getting disenchanted, or doing the same. Ultimately if we kept on sacking mangers this regularly you'd have to question the board's wisdom and ability to function.

Rafa wouldn't be the worst appointment we could make in all fairness, but it's certainly not the direction we should be heading.

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