If Scotland votes 'Yes' to independence...

George Hannah said:
what will our Caledonian Bluemooners be voting i wónder and why?

Skyblueflux , mancityscot, et al

also interested in the views of the diaspora like GDM
(apologies if any of the above aren't kilted kith btw)

Well, I lived in Edinburgh for 4 1/2 years, though I am actually English. I would have been entitled to vote and would have done so had I not moved back down to take up residence in Cheshire towards the end of last year.

What I can tell you is that I probably would've voted yes (though note I don't have strong opinions either way). I think decentralising power is generally a good thing as that's the way I'm ideologically inclined and I think Scotland might turn out to be a bit like a Scandinavian country with its social policy. It would be an interesting experiment, and an easy one for me to vote yes for given I could jump ship back to England if it all went wrong.

Amongst my friends in Scotland I can tell you that there's two sides to the coin, the ones who'll vote no are in the majority, however they're not strongly opinionated. The yes voters might be fewer in number but they're much more vocal and on polling day, they will be at the ballots casting their vote.

It seems to me it might come down to turnout on the day. A low turnout could swing a yes vote.
SkyBlueFlux said:
George Hannah said:
what will our Caledonian Bluemooners be voting i wónder and why?

Skyblueflux , mancityscot, et al

also interested in the views of the diaspora like GDM
(apologies if any of the above aren't kilted kith btw)

Well, I lived in Edinburgh for 4 1/2 years, though I am actually English. I would have been entitled to vote and would have done so had I not moved back down to take up residence in Cheshire towards the end of last year.

What I can tell you is that I probably would've voted yes (though note I don't have strong opinions either way). I think decentralising power is generally a good thing as that's the way I'm ideologically inclined and I think Scotland might turn out to be a bit like a Scandinavian country with its social policy. It would be an interesting experiment, and an easy one for me to vote yes for given I could jump ship back to England if it all went wrong.

Amongst my friends in Scotland I can tell you that there's two sides to the coin, the ones who'll vote no are in the majority, however they're not strongly opinionated. The yes voters might be fewer in number but they're much more vocal and on polling day, they will be at the ballots casting their vote.

It seems to me it might come down to turnout on the day. A low turnout could swing a yes vote.
watch the weather on September 18th then!
the god Gerry Gow said:
Just think

No more feckin awful Edinburgh fringe

No more feckin auld lang syne

No more Alex Salmond

It's a win win

And with some luck we could send the scrounging porridge breathes back especially if they are not given EU membership straight away
Gelsons Dad said:
JamesMCFC said:
I presume our army would take quite a considerable knock if they vote yes?
If the jocks all leave there will be lots of recruitment which is good for rUk as they call it. I'm completely lost as to how they think they are going to pay for their own military.

and the jocks don't want nukes so we can keep them as well
whp.blue said:
Gelsons Dad said:
JamesMCFC said:
I presume our army would take quite a considerable knock if they vote yes?
If the jocks all leave there will be lots of recruitment which is good for rUk as they call it. I'm completely lost as to how they think they are going to pay for their own military.

and the jocks don't want nukes so we can keep them as well

could we nuke them as traitors?
117 M34 said:
whp.blue said:
Gelsons Dad said:
If the jocks all leave there will be lots of recruitment which is good for rUk as they call it. I'm completely lost as to how they think they are going to pay for their own military.

and the jocks don't want nukes so we can keep them as well

could we nuke them as traitors?

how does voting for independence make then traitors? I would just like England to govern itself and stop sending our taxes north of the border and the first step on this road would be a jock yes vote

i really don't like the fact jock politicians have a say on English matters that have nothing to do with them
I say let them have it.
It would save us ENGLISH tax payers a lot of dosh.

Q's I have not been heard asked!
Oil and Gas as the rigs are in international waters not Scottish.
Military, would the British military pull out of Scotland. Inc closing down the bases?
Currency? They could not use the Euro as the EU have already said they would need to reapply to join it. (Could take years)
Banking system.

I could go on, but will not bore you with my political views.

Remember they get more money back per head then any where else in the UK.
That's why they don't pay for Eye tests, Prescriptions and Education etc.

Also who thinks the once right wing Labour party, are now just left of centre LOL There are verging on being communist socialist Bas*ards.
Hopefully Scotland won't vote yes but if they did that would be the silver lining.

Labour govt would set us back even further if given any power

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