Thanks again. It’s never too late to pick it up, I didn’t start til I was 19. Learned a few chords, took me months to get wonderwall. Shakermaker is a good one to start off. And I just tipped away each day, 10 mins here, 20mins there and after picking it up a couple a times a day for a couple a months I developed the muscle memory of the chord shapes in my fingers and everything became easier after that.
And with all the restrictions there’s no better time to tip away
There’s any number of YouTube videos giving lessons for all levels of ability these days so it’s to access something that you can play that will interest ya. And the best part of playing guitar for me is the escape.
Ya don’t have to be John Squire or Slash to be able to sit on yer sofa and feel the benefit of getting lost in it for a few hours. It’s great for the mind.I had tried to learn in my mid teens but it didn’t stick. Went back a few years later and fortunately it stuck. So never too late to start. Id be happy to have a scout and PM ya some links to some YouTube tutors. It’s all mostly free too. Didn’t YouTube when I was starting out unfortunately haha