If you had a choice....

MCFCinUSA said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
.....between playing for, managing or owning City during a period of success, which would it be?

For me, unusually I expect, I would pick owning the club, because it appeals to my sense of narcissistic egomania.

Not everyone has the same issues as me, however.

Which would you choose and why?

if it hasn't been said already, I'd play, manage & own (but not all at the same time) which only goes to show the lack of ambition in this thread and amateur ego of your own good self, my good man
Au contraire

If you want to boost your ego, play to your strengths :-)
I would like to say playing, but I would probably enjoy the lifestyle more than the actual playing, and as such wouldn't last two fucking minutes.
I'm a lazy twat too, so probably a director who didn't have to do anything.
Play. Knowing that you were integral to winning and part of a team that beat every other team in the competition. Sweating your heart out and succeeding is far better than any seat on the sideline watching others win for you.
MCFCinUSA said:
Resurrection said:
Owning is always the way to go. You can sack people in down times and take the glory in the good.

ah, but with football fans as an owner you're never going to get the recognition you think you'll deserve

Then you need to big a giant statue of yourself at the grounds making it easier for the supporters to figure out :)
I'd rather be a player, and after retiring, a manager. But I probably would be sold or loaned out due to the club's ambitions though. But I guess I would be more successful as a manager, maybe would even win FA Cup.

Can't imagine being an owner and have my best years of life left behind.
Resurrection said:
MCFCinUSA said:
Resurrection said:
Owning is always the way to go. You can sack people in down times and take the glory in the good.

ah, but with football fans as an owner you're never going to get the recognition you think you'll deserve

Then you need to big a giant statue of yourself at the grounds making it easier for the supporters to figure out :)

Name the ground after yourself is the best way.

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