If you thought you had read poor journalism before

fbloke said:
I believe this is Alan Green of 606 fame reporting spurious drivel as fact.

Please be warned reading this article may cause food to be spat on you screen.

I struggle with Manchester City. While presenting 6-0-6 on Saturday night I read out the comments of a City fan 'Londis' who'd posted a message on Facebook: "This is the worst day of my life." He/ she was reflecting on the derby defeat by United as well as the Spurs' victory over Chelsea, that radically lessened City's chances of qualifying for the Champions League.
It was a ludicrous exaggeration. Are City fans so caught up in the club's new-found wealth that they've blindly bought into the vision propagated by the likes of Garry Cook?

I saw the Chief Executive walk into Eastlands on Saturday in the company of an obvious bodyguard but still smiling all around him as if he's the centre of attention.

Cook proclaims City's proposed pre-season tour of the United States this summer as reflecting "the support there is for us in America" and how it reaches out to "the existing Blues fans across the world" -- their 'tens' I would suggest. He is preposterous.

I've always really liked City but they're rapidly transforming from being one of the country's best loved clubs into the one that's most hated: worse than Chelsea under Abramovic and that's saying something.

Open your paper, listen to the radio or, if you can stand the constant gossiping, switch on to Sky Sports News: City are 'linked' with every player under the sun.

'X' is your best player: bet City are prepared to pay him oodles more than he's worth, and not necessarily to enhance their team, as much to weaken yours. It borders on the immoral.

Amongst the latest gossip was that concerning Joe Cole.

I can certainly believe that City are prepared to pay him Pounds 200,000 a week but, tell me, in just whose mind is he remotely worth it?

City have already collected an obvious bunch of mercenaries: Toure, Barry, Bellamy, Tevez, and Adebayor amongst them. And they're mostly 'expendable'.

In a quiet moment I ran my eye down the City team during Saturday's derby and wondered who might be first choice next season. I settled on four: Given (if they haven't paid a ludicrous amount to Juventus for Buffon), Bridge, Barry and Tevez.

And who'd be spending this money? Roberto Mancini who (perhaps he appealed as more of a fashion item) quite unnecessarily replaced Mark Hughes? Before the United game he said this was "the most important (run-in) in the club's history": afterwards he said, as rashly as Benitez, "we'll finish fourth."

They may do but after the fantastic week they've had (that's if you only start counting AFTER last Sunday) my money would be on Spurs.

But, if it's City, count on them spending money as if there is no tomorrow, blasting every other club out of the water. And then ask yourself this question: if the top of the Premier League is self- perpetuating, wouldn't you rather the monopoly was challenged by a club that had history and sound management, rather than one built solely on money?

Oh, and Mancini, you'll be out that revolving Eastlands door if you don't finish fourth. Beware the madness that is Manchester City.
does this silly kunt not realise that all the top clubs will soon have to pay upwards of 200k a week to compete with spanish clubs because of the 50% tax rate that was recently brought in?........who does mr green want to be challenging the top 4 that hasn't got any money and a history?........spurs? and how fuckin much have they spent over the years?.....what a fuckin idiot
This conceited, self obsessed twat's cluelessness is exemplified when he slates Garry Cook for attention seeking. Hello, Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle.

My theory is that Green has simply always been bitter, having been blessed with the perfect face for radio. I have no regard for the bloke whatsoever.
johnny on the spot said:
Who gives a fuck what this crashing twat thinks?

If he worked for a private company it wouldn't bother me. I can simply ignore him. But he's being paid with my license fee money. Every football fan I know hates him. He's clearly pissing a lot of people off and the sooner people turn him off and complain to the BBC the sooner he is fucked off by them.
masterwig said:
johnny on the spot said:
Who gives a fuck what this crashing twat thinks?

If he worked for a private company it wouldn't bother me. I can simply ignore him. But he's being paid with my license fee money. Every football fan I know hates him. He's clearly pissing a lot of people off and the sooner people turn him off and complain to the BBC the sooner he is fucked off by them.

It does concern me that such a tit is being paid out of the license coffers and seems to enjoy apparently untouchable status at a nationalised corporation, a position he frequently exploits when spewing his irrelevant opinions between some very ropey commentary performances. But ultimately I can't help but go with southaustralianblue on this one. I find it very gratifying indeed to know that City really seem to boil his rancid, blood-streaked piss.
johnny on the spot said:
masterwig said:
If he worked for a private company it wouldn't bother me. I can simply ignore him. But he's being paid with my license fee money. Every football fan I know hates him. He's clearly pissing a lot of people off and the sooner people turn him off and complain to the BBC the sooner he is fucked off by them.

It does concern me that such a tit is being paid out of the license coffers and seems to enjoy apparently untouchable status at a nationalised corporation, a position he frequently exploits when spewing his irrelevant opinions between some very ropey commentary performances. But ultimately I can't help but go with southaustralianblue on this one. I find it very gratifying indeed to know that City really seem to boil his rancid, blood-streaked piss.
it concerns me equally
and i have emailed the bbc several times over his comments on a number of things
racism, inciting violence and rudeness to listeners to name some, but every time i do i get a 'non reply' reply from them that say he's outspoken and well loved!!!
furthermore the email comes from an account that you cannot respond to to discuss their response, in other words, they don't want to know and don't care what we think even though its our money funding them
To be perfectly honest we've had these type of comments for a good 12 months now. All this stuff about being the most hated club, and being a lot more hated than Chelsea just aren't worth bothering about. Journalism in this country is gash. The public are force fed crap of the highest order, and sports journalism is up there. The writers are just lazy. They don't bother looking for the real stories. I'm sure they just sit around in a pub and all agree the next story and then hammer it to death. Alan Green is a twat, and everyone knows that most football fans feel the same way about him. The only way other fans will start hating us is if we turn into arrogant bastards, and that won't happen until the trophies start rolling in, so we're at least a year away from being more hated than Chelsea!
i have been thinking what exactly green contributes to the world of sports broadcasting - i am constantly irriitated by tv and radio presenters and quite often watch live football on tv with the sound off and find it a better way to view on the whole . people like linekar & hansen have a vast playing experience to draw on and whilst i do not always agree with what they might say i respect their views as "ex pro,s " . people like green have probably never kicked a ball in anger , he is notorious for upsetting people be it fans , players or managers and seem to be untouchable ? he has very little insight into the game and his only real claim to fame is the number of people he has upset ! i have personally complained about green to the bbc and believe me i will not be bothering again as it is a complete waste of time - all i received back from them was the usual glib corporate line about "differing views" & "presenters are monitored at all times " blah , blah, blah . all i can suggest is that any fans who may wish to have a word with green is wait around entrance "S" on the west stand about 2 hours before K.O. (this is the entrance that all tv and radio presenters use ,he is almost certain to be commentating on either or both of the last 2 home games ) you will recognise him as the ugly pug faced twat that he is - he truly does have the perfect face for radio !

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