I'm ashamed to be a blue tonight

Immaculate Pasta said:
I can take people having different opinions no problem, it's what football is all about. If some people don't like Mancini then fair enough, that's your view but what i saw tonight at the end was disgusting and i don't want any further part in it if it carries on.

I thought we were unlucky tonight, we played allright and created 16 chances with 6 on target accoring to mcfc.co.uk, alot better than in previous games. We had some great chances with Bellamy and Santa Cruz (who by the way, the reactions to both misses from the fans frustrates the fuck out of me, one can't do right for doing wrong even though he's yet to perform for two months "Unlicky bellers, head up" and the other i thought was great when he came on gets slagged to fuck "fuck off santa cruz you fucking waste of space)

We defended well and if we had a keeper who came out for balls and demanded his box they would never have gotten that all important 2nd goal.

But the scenes i saw at the end disgust me and makes me ashamed to be a city fan.

Fucking idiots calling Mancini a wanker, c-unt, twat, knobhead, giving him the wanker signs and the v's, ok it was only 30 or so of them but they are the reason this club is a joke. He saw it all and fuck knows what he must be thinking.

These type of fans and the ones on here who are calling for his head after 3 fucking months in the job without a summer transfer window are the reason this club is viewed as a laughing stock and a circus.

So you get your wish, Mancini goes, next man comes in, then what? Do you only give him 3 months and expect instant success with another mans team? Then what happens when you don't and a new man comes in? What happens then? Another 3 months and if he doesn't deliver us instant success does he go? It will go on and on and 35 will become 36, 37 and then 40 and then no fucker will touch the job as whats the point in coming here when you have to deliver success 3 months into the job or you are on your bike and your career takes a setback.

Not only that but then you get some set of c-unts who then givce abuse to Lescott who i thought was outstanding once again, it's beggers beleife and i'm fucking sick of it.

I'm fucking sick of it, if Mancini gets us 4th which i beleive he should and then gets laid off then i'm fucked if i'm shelling out £500 to fucking rebuild yet again for the 20th time in 10 years.

Martin O'Neill - 4 years
David Moyes - 8 years
Arsene Wenger - 13 years
Alex Ferguson - 24 years

All managers at football clubs with stabilty and a plan and realistic fans.

Stuart Pearce, Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini all have been manager at this circus in the time Martin O'Neill has rebuilt Villa and given them stability.

Feel us City fans have been hard done by over the years by those in the boardroom, i think you all need to look closer to home.

There's two season tickets up for grab if the twats at this club get their way because i'm not sticking round to see them abuse and call for the head of the next manager's head when he hasn't given them the league title in November after 3 months in the job. Fuck that.
Top post mate I agree with everything you said.
Them same 30 dick heads were proberly lording him and telling every rag they knew we were going to win the leauge after the Wolves game.
Thats were half the problem lies going from euphoria to disaster in the blink of an eye, no patience, no middle ground and no sence of what it takes to acheive great things, ie Time and money.
Immaculate Pasta said:
I can take people having different opinions no problem, it's what football is all about. If some people don't like Mancini then fair enough, that's your view but what i saw tonight at the end was disgusting and i don't want any further part in it if it carries on.

I thought we were unlucky tonight, we played allright and created 16 chances with 6 on target accoring to mcfc.co.uk, alot better than in previous games. We had some great chances with Bellamy and Santa Cruz (who by the way, the reactions to both misses from the fans frustrates the fuck out of me, one can't do right for doing wrong even though he's yet to perform for two months "Unlicky bellers, head up" and the other i thought was great when he came on gets slagged to fuck "fuck off santa cruz you fucking waste of space)

We defended well and if we had a keeper who came out for balls and demanded his box they would never have gotten that all important 2nd goal.

But the scenes i saw at the end disgust me and makes me ashamed to be a city fan.

Fucking idiots calling Mancini a wanker, c-unt, twat, knobhead, giving him the wanker signs and the v's, ok it was only 30 or so of them but they are the reason this club is a joke. He saw it all and fuck knows what he must be thinking.

These type of fans and the ones on here who are calling for his head after 3 fucking months in the job without a summer transfer window are the reason this club is viewed as a laughing stock and a circus.

So you get your wish, Mancini goes, next man comes in, then what? Do you only give him 3 months and expect instant success with another mans team? Then what happens when you don't and a new man comes in? What happens then? Another 3 months and if he doesn't deliver us instant success does he go? It will go on and on and 35 will become 36, 37 and then 40 and then no fucker will touch the job as whats the point in coming here when you have to deliver success 3 months into the job or you are on your bike and your career takes a setback.

Not only that but then you get some set of c-unts who then givce abuse to Lescott who i thought was outstanding once again, it's beggers beleife and i'm fucking sick of it.

I'm fucking sick of it, if Mancini gets us 4th which i beleive he should and then gets laid off then i'm fucked if i'm shelling out £500 to fucking rebuild yet again for the 20th time in 10 years.

Martin O'Neill - 4 years
David Moyes - 8 years
Arsene Wenger - 13 years
Alex Ferguson - 24 years

All managers at football clubs with stabilty and a plan and realistic fans.

Stuart Pearce, Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini all have been manager at this circus in the time Martin O'Neill has rebuilt Villa and given them stability.

Feel us City fans have been hard done by over the years by those in the boardroom, i think you all need to look closer to home.

There's two season tickets up for grab if the twats at this club get their way because i'm not sticking round to see them abuse and call for the head of the next manager's head when he hasn't given them the league title in November after 3 months in the job. Fuck that.
With you all the way. There are some right knobs in our ranks, so much so that I am seriously considering not renewing next season, which is very sad I know. The straw that broke the camels back for me was the singing of that fucking song against United at our place in the semi. It is time a lot of our "supporters" got behind the team, and stopped fucking moaning. Unfortunately, I sit in the morgue commonly known as the Colin Bell stand, and the atmosphere in there is shite at the best of times,but to hear all the moaning and groaning because we are not winning 6-0 after 20 minutes is just fucking depressing.
Immaculate Pasta said:
I can take people having different opinions no problem, it's what football is all about. If some people don't like Mancini then fair enough, that's your view but what i saw tonight at the end was disgusting and i don't want any further part in it if it carries on.

I thought we were unlucky tonight, we played allright and created 16 chances with 6 on target accoring to mcfc.co.uk, alot better than in previous games. We had some great chances with Bellamy and Santa Cruz (who by the way, the reactions to both misses from the fans frustrates the fuck out of me, one can't do right for doing wrong even though he's yet to perform for two months "Unlicky bellers, head up" and the other i thought was great when he came on gets slagged to fuck "fuck off santa cruz you fucking waste of space)

We defended well and if we had a keeper who came out for balls and demanded his box they would never have gotten that all important 2nd goal.

But the scenes i saw at the end disgust me and makes me ashamed to be a city fan.

Fucking idiots calling Mancini a wanker, c-unt, twat, knobhead, giving him the wanker signs and the v's, ok it was only 30 or so of them but they are the reason this club is a joke. He saw it all and fuck knows what he must be thinking.

These type of fans and the ones on here who are calling for his head after 3 fucking months in the job without a summer transfer window are the reason this club is viewed as a laughing stock and a circus.

So you get your wish, Mancini goes, next man comes in, then what? Do you only give him 3 months and expect instant success with another mans team? Then what happens when you don't and a new man comes in? What happens then? Another 3 months and if he doesn't deliver us instant success does he go? It will go on and on and 35 will become 36, 37 and then 40 and then no fucker will touch the job as whats the point in coming here when you have to deliver success 3 months into the job or you are on your bike and your career takes a setback.

Not only that but then you get some set of c-unts who then givce abuse to Lescott who i thought was outstanding once again, it's beggers beleife and i'm fucking sick of it.

I'm fucking sick of it, if Mancini gets us 4th which i beleive he should and then gets laid off then i'm fucked if i'm shelling out £500 to fucking rebuild yet again for the 20th time in 10 years.

Martin O'Neill - 4 years
David Moyes - 8 years
Arsene Wenger - 13 years
Alex Ferguson - 24 years

All managers at football clubs with stabilty and a plan and realistic fans.

Stuart Pearce, Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini all have been manager at this circus in the time Martin O'Neill has rebuilt Villa and given them stability.

Feel us City fans have been hard done by over the years by those in the boardroom, i think you all need to look closer to home.

There's two season tickets up for grab if the twats at this club get their way because i'm not sticking round to see them abuse and call for the head of the next manager's head when he hasn't given them the league title in November after 3 months in the job. Fuck that.

A great post, but don't forget the majority of fans see things exactly the same way you do, every club has a thug element in the support; Cook and Marwood don't look capable, but they will learn or be moved on imo.

In another 12-18 months you will be having a similar rant about the new breed of glory hunting fans now that we are in CL and top 4 etc etc. The current frustrations will be the tip of the iceberg, there will be semi and final defeats in both domestic cups and CL heartbreak too....we have an excellent support at this club and we now have the financial clout to be a major force, there will always be a few wankers in the fanbase/management but its the same at every club.

I'm not sure that (bold) is physically possible, would be interesting finding out...
Why cant fans accept that we were fairly beaten on wednesday!? They scored more goals than we did, which is the most important thing in football. Nothing else. We were out fought, ran into the ground, by a good solid physical side. No shame in that. We played like a bunch of pansies!!!

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