I'm not really here - Paul Lake

Whenever I read a quote from Niall Quinn I can't help but read it in his accent. Does anyone else suffer from Disco Tongue? And if so, is there a hotline I can call anonymously?
Great read, the kind of book you really don't want to end. Each turn of the page gets more and more reluctant when the end is nigh! As someone else said, the book on Robert Enke is equally brilliant. City get the odd mention too, turns out he almost signed for us.
Just finished the book and the section about Swales and the treatment Paul received fron the club because of this penny pinching twat should leave nobody in any doubt what damage this cretin did to City. Contrast it with the way he was recruited by Garry Cooke with the welcome at Paul's first staff meeting when Garry said, when introducing new members of staff "and last but not least I'd like to introduce Paul Lake, our new Ambassador for City in the Community" following a quick nod from Lakey he said with a smile "Welcome Home"

Great book honest and a insight to Paul's fight to get fit and the total lack of proper diagnosis and treatment Very interesting in how the rags stood in at the last moment for his testimonial despite proximity of important fixtures Ferguson was a little peeved that they had been asked originally it is clear that Paul was well respected by all in football and it was a great tragedy for club and country that he never reached his potential.
Great book, he's my age so felt a lot in common with him and the era he grew up and played in. I met Paul with Jason Beckford in the Boardwalk once had a quick chat with both of them, really nice guys. Shame on our club at the time to put him through an untried operational procedure that ultimately cost him his career and the economy flight back from the U.S.A is just farcical.
kramer said:
Just finished the book and the section about Swales and the treatment Paul received fron the club because of this penny pinching twat should leave nobody in any doubt what damage this cretin did to City. Contrast it with the way he was recruited by Garry Cooke with the welcome at Paul's first staff meeting when Garry said, when introducing new members of staff "and last but not least I'd like to introduce Paul Lake, our new Ambassador for City in the Community" following a quick nod from Lakey he said with a smile "Welcome Home"

Great book honest and a insight to Paul's fight to get fit and the total lack of proper diagnosis and treatment Very interesting in how the rags stood in at the last moment for his testimonial despite proximity of important fixtures Ferguson was a little peeved that they had been asked originally it is clear that Paul was well respected by all in football and it was a great tragedy for club and country that he never reached his potential.

Just read it on holiday and thought the same, if only but what a tuff person to pull himself through. Great read and glad he's back at the club.
Read it last week when I was in Tenerife. Great book and the memories of all those matches came back, although some of the things he describes I didn't see like that (McNab's bullet strike vs Huddersfield. Yes it was a daisy cutter, but the keeper should have done much better)
When I finished it, that's when it brought a tear to my eye
Also, it was very interesting to read about how the injury and time alone set off his depression, which is an eye opener to modern day footballers (Michael Johnson) and how things haven't changed
Lakey comes over as a very humble guy

I also read Rodney Marsh's autobiography last week and he comes across as a twat
A great read, would recommend it to everyone. Disgraceful how Swales treated him. I'll admit it brought a tear to my eye.
Fabulous book, genuinely heart wrenching at times.

Also a bit of an eye opener in terms of the fairly recent past - what with the tales of the Howard Kendall school of team building sessions.

One line stood out for me though - when Lakey asked the club for his medical records:

"We shredded them, they didn't make sense"

Criminal really.

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