In town today

scowy68 said:
ManCitizens. said:
Were they wearing Norwich scarves?

lol one actually was.outside the new City store in town.

The thing that really really pisses them off is if you say "sponsered by AIG" after every comment you make to them. Whilst i hate the idiots from our side that chant about Munich all the celebration posters they put up for the 50th year were plastered with Nike and AIG.

So my advice, after every response you make, say sponsered by AIG. Will Soon shut it :)
Sugarloaf said:
I'd be happy if the COMS was fucked off back to MCC and a new stadium was built in Belle Vue with a new casino and fairgrounds, with better parking. It's no secret that some of the estates around eastlands are full of gloryhunting scumbags.
they might be poorly educated scumbags but surely we can't call them gloryhunting scumbags if they are from manc pal?
scowy68 said:
We stayed over last night and decided to have session on the piss with it being St Patricks day,got up this morning and decided to walk round town and up to the ground before we left for home.Can't remember in all the years i have traveled to Manchester,ever getting so much stick and stupid comments from rags.from middle aged men,to kids in school near the ground to an idiot shouting out a van and a middle aged woman near chinatown,my mate who hasn't been to see us much,just couldn't believe how fucking nasty these daft twats are lol.

Also noticed we have the 35 years painted in red near the entrance the stadium.

Ahhhhh! Don't worry about it, I know one of the nastiest Rags going. His 1st txt after the Kiev game started off with "where r u tonight? Bet ur not at the match. Ur fans are wank . . . (won't bore you with the boring childish detals). . . ended with massive. Followed by another text off him that included 36yrs, 36yrs! (Oh , and thats nowt to some texts I've had off him.)

Actually I was there. He's the biggest Red nose Rag dickhead out of all the Rags I know.

Tools, the lot of em, they are all the same, they smell fear!
Basically, they hate anyone that gives them a game. We've all seen the sparks from the Chelsea match the other week. The fact that people in City kits are being heckled on the street, it means that we are matching them on the football pitch. This is progress.
I'm not worried about it,and it doesn't bother me,but it did surprise both of us.I'm old enough and wise enough to laugh at morons,but it did tell me and my friend,that they are quite sad,insecure,and very bitter people.

The child was the worst though,real venom being spat out towards us,shows that this must be instilled in the them at an early age,funny thing was,he looked like the kid playing the banjo in the deliverance movie lol!
If a rag ever says anything to you etc, just stand there in fits of loud laughter pointing at them. They get well fucking confused and embarrassed. They really dont know what to do and just fuck off. Try it next time, its great!!!
I had a rag start singing "you'v had your day out now fuck off home" to me the other day well working in Salford, he must of seen my hat out the corner of his eye cos well he was singing it he had his back turned to me.

"I want to go home, I want to go hoooo'ome, Salford is a shit hole I want to go home" was all he got.

He turned round then, to me smiling "worried? much!"

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