Increase in aggression on Bluemoon?

You may actually be surprised at how few people are banned from the entire forum (as opposed to banned from specific threads), when you consider the antagonistic approach of some on here. Generally speaking, bans are seen as the last resort, and are not handed out willy nilly. We will generally discuss any action being considered, and if there's a consensus, we'll go with it. Speaking for myself, I don't remember handing out a single ban that I hadn't discussed with the other mods. Even warnings are only occasionally issued. Speaking personally, I will usually post in the thread asking people to calm down and, if there's an ongoing "difference of opinion" with another poster, to either put that poster on ignore, or take the argument to pms. @Ric is very keen to avoid the heavy handed modding seen on the likes of RAWK, he prefers the softly softly approach, and prefers the forum to "self mod" if at all possible.
I can personally vouch for the light touch approach on here as somehow, never been Barton'd.
It’s just a current societal trend. Mainly online, but can be in the real world too (often from a safe distance).

It’s all come with the increase in hyperbole. Copied from America. We’ve copied America so much that we’re becoming them. Dumbing down and becoming overmetional.

Reality TV or soaps are the epitome of this. Ofcom shouldn’t allow this sort of brain dead television to be aired, or should demand a higher calibre of emotions and intellect than they portray. Everyone is either emotionally unstable or intellectually challenged on these things. Being thick seems to be ‘cool’. When you can’t control your emotions or articulate your points, the best way to get your point across us by shouting at the top of your voice or having a tantrum. All they show is people shitting on their mates and families, and arguments seem to be the normal way to converse. That’s all that seems to happen in reality TV and soaps.

But the News is just as bad. It concentrates on things that they know will wind people up. They often come at things, rather than from a neutral perspective, from a point of argument or controversy to get people at home frantically agreeing or disagreeing with them, or to spread constant doom and gloom. Or they get two different sides of the story or political spectrum to come on and argue their opposing points on a subject and people hardly ever get to hear rational moderate discussion.

Social media is poisonous. A horrible cesspit of opinion trapped in algorithms and people only following and reading things they think they agree with, pushing them ever further to an extremist position.

The left and the right have become parodies of themselves, and almost identical to each other. All they do is point the finger at the other side and call them names “snowflakes” “woke” “gammons” “scum” and have situated themselves in a position where they band the rational moderates as part of their name calling opposition because they aren’t as extremist as them.

You have two main political parties who are in a right mess and have abandoned their true supporter base. The British working class have no party to vote for anymore, you have a Labour MP saying once that their party isn’t for “stale pale males” when the vast majority of the working class are white, Labour have become a party for well-off metropolitan middle classes who want mass immigration to make them more well-off and that’s simply not what the British working class want and nor is it to the benefit of the British working class; normal conservatives have no party to vote for anymore, normal conservatives don’t want neo-liberalism and don’t want to shit on people just so big businesses and “pals” can get rich off the back of constant lies and dodgy deals with no trickle down effect to the rest of the population. The current Labour and Tory parties aren’t what Kier Hardie or someone like Disraeli wanted their parties to be like and it’s not what their voters want them to be like.

Both of those parties are an utter disgrace to this country and neither of then have the interests of normal working people at heart.

So the more impressionable within what were moderates find themselves being lost in politics and many get nudged into directions they shouldn’t be. To the far left or far right. Where they find lots of emotive and enticing language from other disgruntled Brits. And with that comes more of the polar ends of opinion and politics getting a bigger voice and the finger pointing at the other side with violent and harsh name calling language gaining traction.
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