Inflation - when is this going to end?

Amazing that our older generation had to fight a war to protect Europe and the wider world from the Nazis, and then after the sacrifice of millions of lives, and the freedom of Europe, 50 years later we tell them all to fuck off because we are British.

Whoever voted for Brexit has destroyed the future for the younger generations and in doing so then should be utterly and totally fucking ashamed.

That freedom includes the right to vote. You may not agree with the democratic outcome of the Brexit vote but that’s what that generation rightly fought for.
That freedom includes the right to vote. You may not agree with the democratic outcome of the Brexit vote but that’s what that generation rightly fought for.
The Politian's that wanted Brexit told the public a pack of lies.

The public in this type of situation are simply incapable of making a decision, it was far too important for the long term future of our nation to be put to a vote.

Turning our back of Europe will haunt this nation for decades, it was a huge error.
People will look back in a generation and be truly amazed at our arrogance, stupidity and hubris.

We had it and we fucking blew it, basically.

I'm pretty sure locking down the country for a long while whilst businesses were propped up by whopping government handouts also had something do with it hence the borrowing at high interest rates.

Inflation is impacting every country, the sharp rise occurred just before the pandemic when Trump hit China with levies which led to an increased cost to raw materials. Rising containers costs during the pandemic was another contributing factor (which have only recently returned to pre pandemic prices). In addition the war in Ukraine has resulted in a shortage of wheat and other RM required for food production and as we all know the war has resulted in ridiculous energy prices.
People will look back in a generation and be truly amazed at our arrogance, stupidity and hubris.

We had it and we fucking blew it, basically.
We had it so good in comparison to previous generations mate, as it happens this was highlighted perfectly yesterday which I’ll go into later, but I’ve mentioned before families near me on ‘free dinners’ having to go to the airport during holidays to eat what people had left on their plates just from my generation, imagine if that happened now !

But anyway, yesterday, I went to see my Mam in Wales, again, I’ve mentioned before, her, her 4 sisters, and Mam and Dad, grew up in a two room cellar under a cobblers in Ladybarn, we got onto the story about how her youngest sister came to have false teeth at a very young age, but she was telling me that they didn’t have a toothbrush between them, never even seen toothpaste, but as a substitute, her dad used to get them to scape the back of the fireplace with their finger and rub the ‘soot’ on their teeth ! I was like WTAF !

Truth is, the standard of living for what we’d consider lower class was never so good, but it’s regressing for sure, just depends on how much, and I hope to god it gets nowhere near previous generations.
The Politian's that wanted Brexit told the public a pack of lies.

The public in this type of situation are simply incapable of making a decision, it was far too important for the long term future of our nation to be put to a vote.

Turning our back of Europe will haunt this nation for decades, it was a huge error.

I don’t disagree it should never have been given to the public to decide. The problem, as I see it, was remain campaign got sucked into leaves orbit. Fighting on the grounds of cost of membership rather than selling a simple message of what EU membership gave us. That is remains fault, they lost a vote they should have won at a canter, rather leave who stole the result, a real smash and grab.
I think we'll slip below parity to the dollar which is insane.

Our exports would at least be able to help us out, but we've fucked that too.

Gonna be a very tricky time for a lot of people.

In the scheme of things not too important, but I was hoping to buy a new house next year. Suspect the prices will come down a bit, but the mortgages are going to be unaffordable. My current fix runs for a few more years so may stay put and hope things get better.
The Politian's that wanted Brexit told the public a pack of lies.

The public in this type of situation are simply incapable of making a decision, it was far too important for the long term future of our nation to be put to a vote.

Turning our back of Europe will haunt this nation for decades, it was a huge error.
Scarily mate, there were people I knew who I’d always considered ‘politically savvy’, so much so I even took it for granted they could see through a lot of the bullshit and would vote against it, I was literally stunned that they’d been ‘had’ by it all.
Scarily mate, there were people I knew who I’d always considered ‘politically savvy’, so much so I even took it for granted they could see through a lot of the bullshit and would vote against it, I was literally stunned that they’d been ‘had’ by it all.
It was incredible, Brexit came down to a vote on racism and the shape of bananas, Boris and Farrage should be locked up for what they help achieve, they did more damage than Hitler ever tried to do to us.
I don’t disagree it should never have been given to the public to decide. The problem, as I see it, was remain campaign got sucked into leaves orbit. Fighting on the grounds of cost of membership rather than selling a simple message of what EU membership gave us. That is remains fault, they lost a vote they should have won at a canter, rather leave who stole the result, a real smash and grab.
We were all told a pack of lies and the Politian's responsible should be held accountable as a warning to the Politian's now ruling us.

The political system in this country has simply failed us all and needs urgent and drastic change.

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