Inflation - when is this going to end?

I think we'll slip below parity to the dollar which is insane.

Our exports would at least be able to help us out, but we've fucked that too.

Gonna be a very tricky time for a lot of people.

In the scheme of things not too important, but I was hoping to buy a new house next year. Suspect the prices will come down a bit, but the mortgages are going to be unaffordable. My current fix runs for a few more years so may stay put and hope things get better.
What fucking exports?
It was incredible, Brexit came down to a vote on racism and the shape of bananas, Boris and Farrage should be locked up for what they help achieve, they did more damage than Hitler ever tried to do to us.
Not sure racism is the appropriate word more xenophobia than anything. It’s a little disingenuous to say it was racially motivated, albeit that undoubtedly there were a number who voted leave for that reason.
The driving factor was almost certainly the detach between politicians and large swathes of the general public who believed that they were forgotten about. Geographically the areas that voted leave were those that were most affected by the loss of heavy industries followed by years of no investment other than low income jobs provided by call centres and distribution warehouses, the majority of which appeared to be “Funded by the EU”, hence leading to a general distrust of the EU.
Many saw the vote as a way to get some change, however as with most things the uninformed shout, or in this case vote first and then ask questions later when it’s all too late.
Whilst clearly the wrong choice and it being inevitably painful to the UK. On its own we might have managed with just Brexit. Compound by the other crises of Covid and now war in Ukraine, it’s going to be many years before we recover, if at all.
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Not sure racism is the appropriate word more xenophobia than anything. It a little disingenuous to say it was racially motivated, albeit that undoubtedly there were a number who voted leave for that reason.
The driving factor was almost certainly the detach between politicians and large swathes of the general public who believed that they were forgotten about. Geographically the areas that voted leave were those that were most affected by the loss of heavy industries followed by years of no investment other than low income jobs provided by call centres and distribution warehouses, the majority of which appeared to be “Funded by the EU”, hence leading to a general distrust of the EU.
Many saw the vote as a way to get some change, however as with most things the uninformed shout, or in this case vote first and then ask questions later when it’s all too late.
Whilst clearly the wrong choice and it being inevitably painful to the UK. On its own we might have managed with just Brexit. Compound by the other crises of Covid and now war in Ukraine, it’s going to be many years before we recover, if at all.
Agree with what you say, but sadly I don't think this country will ever recover.
I'm pretty sure locking down the country for a long while whilst businesses were propped up by whopping government handouts also had something do with it hence the borrowing at high interest rates.

Inflation is impacting every country, the sharp rise occurred just before the pandemic when Trump hit China with levies which led to an increased cost to raw materials. Rising containers costs during the pandemic was another contributing factor (which have only recently returned to pre pandemic prices). In addition the war in Ukraine has resulted in a shortage of wheat and other RM required for food production and as we all know the war has resulted in ridiculous energy prices.
Not quite sure what any of that has got to do with my post, which was in direct reply to @Keeper!
It was incredible, Brexit came down to a vote on racism and the shape of bananas, Boris and Farrage should be locked up for what they help achieve, they did more damage than Hitler ever tried to do to us.
I really take issue with this point.

To post that leaving the EU is more damaging than what happened in World War 2 is truly deplorable. Yes, Brexit has been a complete disaster, but you can't compare it to genocide FFS!
That freedom includes the right to vote. You may not agree with the democratic outcome of the Brexit vote but that’s what that generation rightly fought for.
I think you are getting mixed up with the suffragette movement. Thanks to our mates, the USSR, there were less democracies in Europe after we "won".

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