Innocent people that offend you

Adrian Chiles.
We once played who would you kill if you had 3 untraceable bullets. Most answers were along the lines of Rooney, Clarkson + Cameron, but one guy memorably said he would kill Adrian Chiles with his first bullet....then fire the next two bullets into him to make sure.
FeedTheGoat10 said:
Colliahhh said:
Anyone who is a commuter in London.
Fucking rude cunts the lot of them!
Maybe I don't want to stand to the right on an escalator, maybe I want to hold on to both railings for safety.
Maybe if you're in such a rush to get to you're very important city job you should run up the perfectly good set of stairs right next to the escalator instead of saving about 2 seconds by walking up the escalator and twatting me with your bag on the way past.
Also there is a tube about every fucking minute why the mad panic and ramming to fit onto a carriage that blatantly isn't going to fit anymore people on you barmy fuckers.
If you actually use manners around there you get looked at like you just curled out a shit in front of them.

Can anyone tell I've just had to spend a week in London?

The prizewinner goes to the woman who was sat next to me on the train to London.
There's a baby crying the row in front of us for the best part of an hour so I turn my Ipod up to drown it out a bit.
This woman then turns around to me and says 'excuse me can you turn that down a bit I can hear it'.
The baby is hitting about 10000000 decibels in front of us and a little bit of overheard music is what you're worried about.
Because I'm not a rude bastard Londoner though, I complied and got to spend the next 2 hours listening to a mash up of Oasis and wailing that would put Axel Rose to shame.

Agree with that, I can't stand London

I'm an exiled Manc living and working in London for over 6 years and think it's a marmite City in terms of loving it or hating it. Personally, I've found the Tram in Manchester or the 192 Bus in the morning an "experience" to say the least and also with more anti-social behaviour. The pace of life in London is just fast. Everyone is in a hurry and, once you get used to it, then you find yourself missing it once you leave!

There's 7 million living in Greater London and more coming in to it on a daily basis. You can't tarnish everyone with the same brush.
maverickx4 said:
Adrian Chiles.
We once played who would you kill if you had 3 untraceable bullets. Most answers were along the lines of Rooney, Clarkson + Cameron, but one guy memorably said he would kill Adrian Chiles with his first bullet....then fire the next two bullets into him to make sure.

Good choice actually although i would have gone for his alter ego Clare Balding
citykev28 said:
I'm not bitter, I just don't like you.

And why do you think I care? You are not of any relevance to me. Little angry men dont bother me you just fume from a distance so proceed.

*pats your little head*.:)

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