Anybody suffering health issues since returning from Istanbul? I've been on sterioids and can hardly breathe with my chest being totally clogged up and I have a barking cough... I was riding ~35 miles a day on my push bike immediately before the trip and now I can hardly walk up the stairs without a rest... Really worrying so I went to the doctor... SWMBO is very low after chemo 6/6 and I didn't want to give her anything.. The clinic told me that I've been expoised to an "allergen" and that's the issue so "not contagious" (though she is starting to cough too now)
I had no exposure I can remember to anything in Istanbul apart from the AC being on in the hotel and some really toxic flares that the bar owner insisted on lighting in the place across the dual carriageway from the Yenkapi Fanzone which choked us...
I was fine after getting back from the final until the Friday after and since then I'm fucked....6 days of steroids did nowt, nor the inhaler I was given... I just feel like I have half a lung working and I'm exhausted all the time
Anybody else had any issues?