Internationals 5th-11th October

I apologise sincerely for sounding like a broken record, but once again, RASHFORD!!!
Every passage of play that reaches him turns to dog shit. His decision making, control and speed of thought is appalling.
It's always met with "didn't quite", "unlucky", "just bobbled" etc.
very much this, the different how this young black promesing player is talked about to another young black promesing player (Sterling) is stagering . Rashford can do no wrong he is not critisised att all. For my he Rashford has mostly been poor for England he looses the ball way roo often and his disision making is often wrong. Sterling s movement is a lot better. The differents is that Rashford is not nervous becose every one is jurking off about every thing he does while Sterling is booed even though he is having a good game.
Watching the Scotland match, from the BBC feed it sounds like the Manchester Pele is on fire.

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