Iran Attack on Israel

And you think paying and arming Hezbollah, Hamas and Yemmeni Rebels to attack Isreal is not breaking International Rules?
Were the US breaking international law when say for example they were arming the Free Syrian Army against Assad ? Just want to be clear on where the rules are drawn regarding the arms transfers.
Were the US breaking international law when say for example they were arming the Free Syrian Army against Assad ? Just want to be clear on where the rules are drawn regarding the arms transfers.

If they are all acting like cunts then we shouldn't be taking anyones side on it, should we?
I literally said I will criticise our government for not condemning Israel in the first line. That doesn’t mean they should just let Iran go ham. They did the right thing on this occasion. I wish, like many on here, that their hit rate on doing the right thing was better and that they applied their standards more evenly but that doesn’t make getting involved here the wrong thing to do.
Well if you went back to my original post that is precisely what I meant by double standard. Letting the IDF do whatever illegal activities they want and not even mentioning it let alone criticising them or intervening. Then coming down hard on Iran when it rightly wants to avenge the murder of its people. If our consulate in day Jordan was attacked and people murdered what would you expect the UK to do?
That’s what’s dodgy about October 7th as they definitely DO have the best intelligence services. I still think Israel had more awareness of what was going to take place but it perhaps politically expedient for the attack to take place.

Yes I know that’s a little tin foil hat but it’s the only way I can understand how it took place.
I agree on that one . The he attacks had to happen to give Israel reason to crush hamas and take full control of Gaza . Not saying they would have ordered the killings of innocent Jews but killing a few to save tens of thousands would be viable for them .
Well if you went back to my original post that is precisely what I meant by double standard. Letting the IDF do whatever illegal activities they want and not even mentioning it let alone criticising them or intervening. Then coming down hard on Iran when it rightly wants to avenge the murder of its people. If our consulate in day Jordan was attacked and people murdered what would you expect the UK to do?

Sorry, to clarify, I’m not disagreeing with you on the double standards. I think the fact that Israel gets away with throwing its weight around by virtue of its geo-political position is quite apparent.

I’m just disagreeing with your point on us getting involved to intercept the drones/missiles. We should be getting involved to stop Iran bombing people with impunity, for exactly the same reasons as we should be getting involved in Gaza to tell Israel to stop bombing innocent people. I can’t want one of these things but not the other because that would feel to me to be morally inconsistent.
If they are all acting like cunts then we shouldn't be taking anyones side on it, should we?
It's not about taking sides, there will be good and bad sides to any nation including mine. I'm trying to judge or make sense of the events independently based on the international rules.
Iran invocated Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense. Were they right in their claim ?
Sorry, to clarify, I’m not disagreeing with you on the double standards. I think the fact that Israel gets away with throwing its weight around by virtue of its geo-political position is quite apparent.

I’m just disagreeing with your point on us getting involved to intercept the drones/missiles. We should be getting involved to stop Iran bombing people with impunity, for exactly the same reasons as we should be getting involved in Gaza to tell Israel to stop bombing innocent people. I can’t want one of these things but not the other because that would feel to me to be morally inconsistent.
So presumably you would also want us to intercept Israeli missiles launched illegally into neighbouring states?
It's not about taking sides, there will be good and bad sides to any nation including mine. I'm trying to judge or make sense of the events independently based on the international rules.
Iran invocated Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense. Were they right in their claim ?

You're taking sides if you are not judging Iran's cuntishness behaviour with the same vigour as you are judging Israel's cuntish behaviour.

Making sense of this is impossible, sides are entrenched in this and we are pontificating about how to solve the unsolvable IMHO.
Ah I see the Spelling and Grammar police are out and about.
I'm afraid I got israel wrong once and auto-Ceck wont delete the word in my dictionary, no matter how many times I try, and keeps overwritting tge actual spelling with the error. I can't normally be arsed going back and replacing it any more.- I have better things to do with my life.

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