Irani talking out of his **** again

Truly wonderful news, I'm looking forward to getting up at 5.30am for work now!!

Gutted I missed it this morning as co-worker today is a Radio 2 listener (don't get me started on that g*nger twat Evans!)

No more name dropping, Manchs yunaartid bullshit, slur Alex this....etc Brilliant!

Got a feeling Matt Holland (Ipswich connections with Mr Brazil) or Ray Parlour might get the gig. Don't mind Quinn either, at least he knows his stuff footy & horse racing.

It'd be a kick in the teeth though if the Moose got it!! Bet he's enjoying it as I had the feeling he had iranni sussed long ago!

Happy days!

Well done from me lads, and the Hitler parody is outstanding.
If you are after another victim, I also suggest Jamie Fucking Redknapp.
To those that have made this happen


Double edged sword, it's the end of this thread.

However, I think someone should make a "Stupid things on Talksport" thread as this one is comedy gold, time to open it up to the rest of the shite broadcast on the radio station you love to hate.
Benarbia_is_god said:
Double edged sword, it's the end of this thread.

However, I think someone should make a "Stupid things on Talksport" thread as this one is comedy gold, time to open it up to the rest of the shite broadcast on the radio station you love to hate.
Just listen to the crap the guest 7.00-7.30 journo comes up with as he reviews the bollox his fellow snakes have written, you could fill a forum
mcmanus said:
laserblue said:
I just knocked this up to commemorate this momentous day. Gentlemen, enjoy.




"...they've still got Darren Gough".

Brilliant. Best I've seen in ages. Take a bow.
Pissing myself laughing at that and getting funny looks from the missus. Great job laser.
TGR said:
Matt Holland on with Brazil tomorrow apparently. Don't know if its permanent but a big improvement and no rag bias (hopefully!)

Another "lifelong rag" am afraid to say,born in Bury,but no one would think that with that accent !
bluemike said:
Well done from me lads, and the Hitler parody is outstanding.
If you are after another victim, I also suggest Jamie Fucking Redknapp.

It's already under way comrades

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