Iranian General killed by US Drone.

Many of the modern day problems in the Middle East stem directly from us and France drawing random lines across the territory to divide it up post-WW1. But even if we'd just walked away and left them to their own devices the national, tribal and religious rivalries would have ensured the place was in a continual state of upheaval.

Take 1948, when Israel declared statehood and was promptly attacked by Egypt, Jordan and Syria (among others). Egypt & Syria were rivals, not allies. Both saw themselves as leaders of the Arab world and therefore having the right to the territory. Syria saw the new state of Israel (& Jordan) as natural parts of a greater Syria. Egypt wanted the territory as a buffer against Syrian expansionism. Jordan wanted Egyptian control of the southern part of Israel to give them a direct link with Egypt, giving them some safety against Syria.

It was only the prospect of the UK military leaving the Gulf Area under the Wilson Government that forced the UAE states to stop fighting and combine to form a federal state. Otherwise they'd probably have been eaten up by the likes of Saudi Arabia.
I know that, "Iraq" is something the post WW1 European Empires made up.
Let's not forget the reason why they needed to draw up those lines. The Ottoman Empire had dominated the region for centuries and after it's collapse to it's defeated rivals in Europe, Britain and France carved up the region, with all former regions of the Ottoman Empire falling under allied control, to keep the "peace"... ehem.

Except for Turkey, obviously...
Implying that people from that area are more warlike than us Europeans is racist.
And it's untrue.
Didn't use the term "warlike".

You came up with that on your own. But they have been engaged in "warlike-actions" more often with each other, you know they whole differences surrounding their religious beliefs? They just haven't gotten as much "press coverage" in Europe over the centuries.
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I posted a picture of how Iran looked before this lunatic, followed by his ilk, came in, like many others in
the region it had adopted many western values, this, quite clearly, was a far better situation than the brutal theocracy there
I think his point (which is not without considerable merit) is that if the US (in particular) had not interfered previously in promoting and subsequently propping up the Shah, then the Iranian Revolution may not have taken a hold.
So the coalition stopping ISIL gaining stremgth is being suspended to concentrate on defending US bases in Iraq and the Iraqi government have voted to expell the US forces.

Sems like the de-escalation is going well.

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