If you can't see that declaring an entire region to be "behind in their development" because of their religion is prejudicial then you're one of the dumbest people I've ever encountered on here.
It is the literal dictionary definition of it.
Jesus you’re not stopping with this are you?
I think it’s fair to say the Middle East isn’t as developed as the West, wouldn’t you?
Now what have I said as to why?
Two things I’ve touched upon, the first one being the religious factions in the area are in a power struggle and that is what Christianity went through too, up until the last century. With Islam being centuries younger than Christianity and not having a centralised power, it creates issues, which are there for all to see.
Christianity has its issues still too and contributed to persecuting millions of people, up until less than a century ago too, but it’s improved.
Both Islam and Christianity, are false, in my opinion.
The 2nd thing I mentioned was Western Intervention, which has ironically often removed the secular leaders and accidentally (mostly) replaced them with religious fanatics, thus scuppering the development of the region further and sometimes, reversing societal progression.
When you factor in both of those, with the general battles for oil and wealth, that occur, you’ve got a cocktail of disaster awaiting.
Now you don’t have a clue what you’re on about, obviously, so I’ll ask anyone on this forum, anyone reading, why any of this post is prejudiced?