Irish Current Affairs.

What the actually fuck! I lay blame solely at the feet of the internet. These lunatics would be in padded cells and drawing crop circles while thinking about taking down bill gates because he has too many gates -:)

God damn you internet. We know the nutters exist but now we have to listen & watch instead of just finding a nice big net and a bucket of piss.

Oh on the Ireland issue. Only once we move away from letting the political ghouls ‘groom’ our thoughts, then maybe we have a chance. Don’t care what it’s called, only that peace is maintained and barriers taken down. The country should not be used as a political football. The words Irish/British are only used to keep us fighting. Some day it will hopefully change. Rebrand the fucker…call it the United Kingdom of Ireland. Get a new green and orange flag with a blue border. No more white keeping us apart -:)

when I saw it I thought immediately substances
Sinn Fein fairly kicking ass in the local elections here. Will easily be the largest party in the north, and large in the republic.
Dunno how Jeffrey Donaldson is gonna argue he is right in keeping Stormont down…the DUP may have just about maintained their seats ( as well as lost)…but SF have certainly gained.
Sinn Fein fairly kicking ass in the local elections here. Will easily be the largest party in the north, and large in the republic.
Dunno how Jeffrey Donaldson is gonna argue he is right in keeping Stormont down…the DUP may have just about maintained their seats ( as well as lost)…but SF have certainly gained.
Saw interview with Jeffrey and man so deluded he hasn't a clue. I believe the turn out rate on north coast (where I'm from originally) very low
Saw interview with Jeffrey and man so deluded he hasn't a clue. I believe the turn out rate on north coast (where I'm from originally) very low
Where does this tactic all end with them though.
Without the institutions up and running, surely it’s obvious that you risk losing lucrative US investment that Biden intimated was there with the stability of Stormont as a requirement.

Surely there must be a majority from both backgrounds up there that see this.

If there is anywhere with a possible positive in the Uk, arising from Brexit, then it has to be Northern Ireland.
DUP seem more concerned with a vision of their future that is anchored in as murky a past as Sinn Féin’s.
Sinn Féin’s past is more recent and they may be accused of trying to airbrush it or justify it somehow and that is something they really need to own up to and address.
At least they are looking forward though.
The DUP seem mired in the Orange Order Lodges of 200 years ago and can’t escape that mentality.

There is a huge opportunity there for the taking with NI and you should grasp it. Make your own destiny.
This has echoes of City are a state run club bollocks - Unionists complaining that they lost coz not enough people voted for them so its unfair lol. Maybe if the side of Unionism spent time running the place not blocking the place from being run they may attract voters

My mate sent me this, actually had to watch twice to believe it.
This has echoes of City are a state run club bollocks - Unionists complaining that they lost coz not enough people voted for them so its unfair lol. Maybe if the side of Unionism spent time running the place not blocking the place from being run they may attract voters

I find that whole conversation remarkable, tbh.
Is there any self awareness there at all.
I thought the last speaker summed up the unionist problem for them, offering friendly advice, but I don’t think they’re listening.
Unionism seems rattled by Republicanism because they have never envisioned a democratic future

Before I even heard her answer, I was thinking, that is democracy!

I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m genuinely astounded by the attitude being shown up North.

I’m not nor ever have been a Sinn Féin supporter but if this isn’t a demonstration of the hypocrisy and historical lack of democracy that was the norm and is yearned for again in some quarters, then what is.

If the institutions were up and running and parties were genuinely working cooperatively for the betterment of the people, then you wouldn’t have this polarisation of the nationalist vote and the splitting of the unionist vote.

A Proper PR system with local government working together would be more representative but that’s not SF’s fault.
You work with what you have and the people have spoken.
Brexit has fucked up what was a fairly comfortable status quo in Northern Ireland. The DUP were as thick as shit to have supported it. It was an absolute gift to every nationalist in NI. Especially those who are more extreme in their views,

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