Irish Current Affairs.

Watched the first two, got a bit boring after a while TBH

The Good Friday Agreement shows on RTE were very good this week i thought
I found myself getting angrier and angrier watching it.
I shouldn’t allow that happen I know m, but there is a whole week of scheduled programs around the 25th anniversary of the agreement that are giving a great insight into the history of the period and the work of the people involved.

I just think that despite the narrative at the end of his life, claiming that the assembly could never happen without his endorsement and that the chuckle brothers( himself and McGuinness) worked very well, it just proved to me what we always knew about him.
He and his DUP party held back progress, real progress, in civil rights and modernisation of NI and cross community integration for almost half a century.
And signs on it, the DUP are still not on board. They want the past.

I was amazed looking at footage of his rallies and rhetoric in 1973-74.
He was a dinosaur then and was only interested in a NI that he ruled. It’s what he perceived himself to have got in the end and so was content.

But the incitement to hate and calling for shots across the border, in cahoots with loyalist paramilitaries at the time, which they duly obliged by doing his dirty work. Then dropping them Trump like, saying he is Democratically elected and it’s nothing to do with him.
I know to Half of Ulster he was a saviour, but I can’t get beyond the blinkered, puritanical, charlatan, hypocritical bigot that he was for most his life.
Yes he was the biggest playmaker perhaps, but ultimately, I feel history will judge him harshly.
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You can't pin this one on Andrew

Hmmmmmmm - wonder whats behind this

What the actually fuck! I lay blame solely at the feet of the internet. These lunatics would be in padded cells and drawing crop circles while thinking about taking down bill gates because he has too many gates -:)

God damn you internet. We know the nutters exist but now we have to listen & watch instead of just finding a nice big net and a bucket of piss.

Oh on the Ireland issue. Only once we move away from letting the political ghouls ‘groom’ our thoughts, then maybe we have a chance. Don’t care what it’s called, only that peace is maintained and barriers taken down. The country should not be used as a political football. The words Irish/British are only used to keep us fighting. Some day it will hopefully change. Rebrand the fucker…call it the United Kingdom of Ireland. Get a new green and orange flag with a blue border. No more white keeping us apart -:)
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