Oh but you are being timed in a lot of them. Often 90 minutes. So every minute spent walking back and forth is cutting into those precious stuffing your face minutes. Pile it high.
90 minutes is fucking ages. If you are eating 90 minutes solid, either you have many chins, or you soon will have. It’s not about the time, it’s trying how you spend that time, without looking like you have never seen cooked food before.
Or had any idea how much you could eat.
Or, Double Or, Could balance the pyramid of congealing sliding stuff, over a zig zag traverse back to the table. To be greeted by,
You’ll never eat all that you ****.
I know, but I want to get my money’s worth.
So you enjoy all those flavours mixed in? For real?
I know, I don’t know, it will be a laugh andrew f it’s shut I will just get something else.