Is anyone else appalled that The Pope hasn't made Phil Collin, RIP, a Saint yet?

I never knew that. You assume of course there would many. I mean, who the fuck was Schiphol compared to Phil?

I've never heard his albums, but I bet they're shite.
You're clearly not aware that Jaap van Schiphol was the stylophone maestro in Golden Earring. And we all know Golden Earring invented Radar Love, without which no airport can function. So, of course, they named a fucking airport after him....
You're clearly not aware that Jaap van Schiphol was the stylophone maestro in Golden Earring. And we all know Golden Earring invented Radar Love, without which no airport can function. So, of course, they named a fucking airport after him....

I never thought of it that way. The things you learn pursuing justice for Phil never ceases to amaze.
Surely the Phil's dead gag should be put to sleep now?

It was, but, he returned only to die again, which, even by new jobcentre working capability standards, is no mean feat.

How can you put to sleep justice? Ok, Britains good at that, bad example, but I still think he deserves a gold circle plate of gold around his baldy bonce.

Listening to you, you would think. In the air tonight, had never been written.
You're clearly not aware that Jaap van Schiphol was the stylophone maestro in Golden Earring. And we all know Golden Earring invented Radar Love, without which no airport can function. So, of course, they named a fucking airport after him....

I think you'll find that Phil Lynott invented Golden Earring and therefore, ergo, the radar. Why do you think they have them fluffy covers on microphones? And every 'ping' earns his council estate 2p in royalties. Jeez.....
I have been growing increasingly incensed, at the lack of progress in the beatification of dearly departed Phil.

What else does he have to do? He died, then only last month. was resurrected to have a fall in a bathroom and expire once more!!!

Having been brought up a catholic, although in a situation now of extreme lapsedism, I sent the pope an email.

Hola Franky Boy

What gives? I'm obviously referring to your failure to act in making Phil Collins, may the drums never fade from his soul, a Saint.

You made that horrible little bastard Mother Teresa one and she couldn't even tap a tambourine in time never mind sing at the same time.

Phil could sing whilst playing the drums. Looked good in hats, ok he was bald but still, and has come back from the dead, like your hero. I have lost my faith and with situations like these can you blame me?

On behalf of Bluemoon I beseech you to reconsider your attitude. St Phil now!

Yours in hope


Got a reply too.

Dear Magicpole

I never liked Genesis after Gabriel left and it's not as easy as just the old coming back from the dead malarkey.

You may be aware also,that he is CoE and ever since yon fatso Henry decided he would rather bang more
chicks than stay with us, I can't do it, even if I did think Genesis were better post Gabriel, which I most assuredly do not.

As for your lapsing, I would reconsider that sonny.

The Big Cheese

I say we start a online petition to push this. Or, at least give it some thought. Sometimes.

I was just having a laugh the other day, thinking back to all those times of laughter and music and don't forget those madcap situations that Phil and I never shared.

Maybe one day I will share them.


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