Is it just me or have our ticket prices increased vastly ??

tickets may be expensive but it appears patronising, sanctimonious, empty words masquerading as 'sympathy', are as cheap and plentiful as ever

eh JMA?

if the 'hard-working families' (dear god, do you write for the Mail?) feel that way, how about letting them speak for themselves?
Hooch said:
SteSteez said:
I could of got a SC this season but opted out due to work commitments.... They are decent value and competitively priced however it wouldn't get used asmuch so i opted for a CityCard.

£100 for two of us is crap, but as others have pointed out: it looks like its cup games this season.

I did struggle to justify the cost but next season i will just buy a SC and if my seat is empty then so be it, i'd still be better off financially.

Not read the entire thread, but I assume the £48 Tickets are for Category 'A' games ie, Sky 4. Therefore, it should be cheaper to see all other games, but if it costs £48 to watch City vs. Wigan it's a disgrace.

It doesn't but some City fans can't afford a SC and only want to go to the glamour games I am afraid by the sounds of it.
SWP's back said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
Its like Didsbury Dave in another username.

Ten times worse mate and you are so correct tonight (and it is not often I say that!). I know so many "fans" that can't afford season tickets but have been on holiday this year etc etc. I couldn't afford both at the minute so I am not going away. I place my City SC top of my priority list. I make no apology about that. I also work fucking hard (and did in the past) to be in a position to make that decision. I am not rolling in it but you cannot tell me that people can't afford £6 per week for a value season ticket? If that is the case then they should be evaluate where they put City.

What do they want? I ask genuinely. What price should City put SC's at? We are already one of the cheapest in the top 10 let alone for the money the club has invested on the team and fans in the past 24 months.

Some people are never happy but fuck it, I am. I am watching my team play Inter on ESPN, drink in hand and can't bloody wait for the coming season.

touche', im off to watch it.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
SWP's back said:
Simple solution then, no one forces you to be on here, intact you have never said anything pro city and you come across as.... Fuck it, I ain't getting a warning over the likes of you.

No, go on, please do. Let me guess. Rag? Miserable bastard? Sad case?

Whilst you are at it you could drop a few hints about how great you are and a few bits of information that are designed to impress, well, I don't know who. People leading a sheltered life, I guess.

That's how it usually goes isn't it? Not that I make a point of looking, but when I can guarantee that you will post within 3 hours of any post that I put on here, you tend to notice certain traits.

You wish. I have just had a look and can see I have quoted you less than a dozen times in 12 months. But if you want to feel popular, believe what you want.

Your descriptions of yourself seem apt mind.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Ah, a thread about the ever increasing cost of going to watch City and, without fail, it brings out the usual 'swining cock and bollocks', "I'd sacrifice my first born, you wouldn't, I'm a bigger blue" brigade out in force with their bullshit comments.

It is absolutely pathetic that threads like this are constantly full of, mostly the same, characters who have zero empathy with the situations of others and think that their glib, throwaway "don't buy a kebab every week comments are in any way relevant.

In fact, it rather gives them away and says a lot about the quality of their social circles.

Meanwhile, it has absolutely fuck all to do with hard working families who have been scrimping and saving to manage to go to City as football has become more expensive over the last 20 years and still get shafted year upon year.

And I say all that as someone who can easily afford the price of his season ticket. I'm just not a selfish, unsympathetic tosser.

Oh, and as for the "it's UEFA and their rules" merchants.

Please find a quote from the club that has ever, just once, offered this as an explanation for next season's increased season ticket/parking/food/ticket/drink prices.

Because, unless I am mistaken, no-one at the club has ever suggested anything of the sort (although I stand to be corrected).

Face it, Garry Cook talks the talk about the fans who have kept this club going for years, but all the actions regarding next season's costs for people who have been going for decades suggest that he is actual much more interested in attracting a new breed of rag type fans that will be wanting to spend much more money on tickets and all sorts of associated tat in their 'matchday experience.'

It's easy to say that you are a 'fan's man' but when you are simultaneously increasing all associated costs, it rings a bit hollow to me.

brilliantly put.
Ticket For Schalke said:
glen quagmire said:
This does my head in! I pay my season ticket, i want to see us play EVERYONE, not just the 'sky 4'. It doesn't sit right with me when someone says, i'm coming over for the liverpool game or the chelsea game. A fan would try and get to every game, not just the 'glamour' games. I don't go to see drogba, torres, fabregas, rooney or defoe, i go to watch the boys in blue, muller who ever the opponents are.

Hear hear Quag.

if fans dont want to pay 50, wait till a cat c game, city will still be playing.
That's unfair, you can't expect the same attendance/crowd/atmosphere in the Derby as you'd expect if we were playing Wigan.
Don't often post, but this has really got my back up. It's a choice season ticket holders should always get best value I agree, however, there are people who cannot for whatever reasons hold a season ticket. BUt if the reason for this is cost and cost alone then this can be looked at as very short sighted, 4 Cat A games at £48 each is £192.00 add to this 4 Cat B games at guess £40 ach, another £160.00 then you have watched 8 games but for the price of a season ticket, mussing out on 11 "free" games. So you can afford it.

"That's unfair, you can't expect the same attendance/crowd/atmosphere in the Derby as you'd expect if we were playing Wigan."

This is a shit attitude we should sell out every game opposition should not be a factor we are Blues & we come to watch the Blues end of.

Anyway no doubt I will be bombarded with cries of rag etc, tin hat on lol
purdymcr said:
Don't often post, but this has really got my back up. It's a choice season ticket holders should always get best value I agree, however, there are people who cannot for whatever reasons hold a season ticket. BUt if the reason for this is cost and cost alone then this can be looked at as very short sighted, 4 Cat A games at £48 each is £192.00 add to this 4 Cat B games at guess £40 ach, another £160.00 then you have watched 8 games but for the price of a season ticket, mussing out on 11 "free" games. So you can afford it.

"That's unfair, you can't expect the same attendance/crowd/atmosphere in the Derby as you'd expect if we were playing Wigan."

This is a shit attitude we should sell out every game opposition should not be a factor we are Blues & we come to watch the Blues end of.

Anyway no doubt I will be bombarded with cries of rag etc, tin hat on lol
its not just city, football is far too expensive nowadays, we can expect a rise due to the players we have bought but the prices are high all over the prem.
people who live a way away are to be appluaded for getting to games, to add travel costs to the ticket prices make it a very costly day.

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