Is it Mancini's brand of football that gets fans backs up?


Well-Known Member
13 Jan 2005
There you go Jay!

For me, this is the whole reason why Bluemoon is split. Many people realise that we are now in the best position in the world....and the football is...less than good.
For many yes but i also just don't think its the type of football that will ever win us the PL.
Mad Mario said:
There you go Jay!

For me, this is the whole reason why Bluemoon is split. Many people realise that we are now in the best position in the world....and the football is...less than good.

For me yes - Mancini sets the style of play by buying the players - our defensive slow passing style of play is not accidental - he has systematically removed players with any great speed and replaced them with slower versions - we have no pace no guile and some of those we have bought are just fookin bonkers

Fed up of it too be honest but will see what the next 5 games bring - i cant see anything positive to be honest but only time will tell.
We have a fantastic squad, playing at a pedestrian, unimaginative, uninterested pace.

When we pass and move and keep the tempo high, we look good, we score goals, we win matches.

When we don't we hang on and rely on individual moments of brilliance.

Mancini has showed no long term plan to change from the kind of football which, whilst making us generally hard to beat, will also make sure we never realistically continuously challenge for top honours.

Top teams dictate the game, they don't let their opponents dictate them. Mancini allowed WIgan to dictate the game, and they should have punished us, along with a string of other matches.

I really don't see why he persists with this, it failed us last season when he promised CL and it's failed this season when we should really have been right up there at the top.
Style of football, the fact that he hasn't created anything representing a team spirit amongst the players, the fact that we have failed to make the most of a fantastic opportunity to finish as high as possible this season given the shortfallings of some of our competitors, the fact that despite all the investment and resources, we are still clearly less than the sum of our parts, which is pretty unforgivable, the fact that we are a one-dimensional, easy to play against, creativity-free, turgid bore of a side.

I could go on.

Surely Sheikh Mansour must want more for his investment than this - where's the enjoyment in watching City play at the moment?
If we're talking purely about style, then no.

We look to keep possession and strangle games, relying on a talented bit of interplay from a very talented front four (with the fullbacks providing width where appropriate). It's a sound approach.

If you're asking whether he and the players have perfected it yet, then they obviously haven't. But I wouldn't swap it for the tactical approach of Harry 'Mr. Entertainment' Redknapp - Spurs did nothing but launch the ball to Crouch on Wednesday, and look for nod-downs.
blueinsa said:
For many yes but i also just don't think its the type of football that will ever win us the PL.

a lat next to at the aris game made a good point. if mancini had took over city after pearce, with no money, the fans would have hated him.
When it's played well, we look brilliant. When it's not, we look absolutely turgid, just stroking the ball sideways along the midfield.

No-one seems to make a run off the ball anymore. They're definitely a scarce occurance.

What I also don't like is the sort of deflection tactics used on the OS. For instance, the last few points were about the City fans and almost saying we're not supporting the team enough. But it's a two-way street, where the fans will get behind the team if they're playing well — or failing that, at least looking like they can be arsed.
Mad Mario said:
There you go Jay!

For me, this is the whole reason why Bluemoon is split. Many people realise that we are now in the best position in the world....and the football is...less than good.

if we played more direct football our match day attendances would be better.
I didn't want to admit it, but yes, and I believe one of the reasons why many fans are not attending.

I go, happy if we win, sad if we lose, but if anybody asked me - did I enjoy the expererience? Then I would have to say no.

Maybe, if (a bloody big IF the way things are going), we manage to get to Wembley, then it might change. However, I'm actually scared to even think about it, as thirty plus years of having my hopes and expectations dashed and in some cases obliterated, has weathered by optimism somewhat.

My wife is a red scouse fan (she was born there so excusable), and she never ever accepts that they are second best, or in danger of failing - even now, when we all know they are s**te. But I have a sneaky feeling that they will win a trophy this year and we won't. She accepts that we have great players, better than theirs' in most positions, but she knows that we will blow up, and they probably won't!

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