Is it Mancini's brand of football that gets fans backs up?

Wheelsy said:
When it's played well, we look brilliant. When it's not, we look absolutely turgid, just stroking the ball sideways along the midfield.

No-one seems to make a run off the ball anymore. They're definitely a scarce occurance.

What I also don't like is the sort of deflection tactics used on the OS. For instance, the last few points were about the City fans and almost saying we're not supporting the team enough. But it's a two-way street, where the fans will get behind the team if they're playing well — or failing that, at least looking like they can be arsed.

Were we not at our best with Tevez on his own up top,Silva in a free role and Yaya attacking strongly from the middle? Mario and Dzeko have come in and it seems Mancini is trying to accomodate 1 if not both of them and the system is different and failing.
You can't but notice what harry redknapp has achieved in his 2 and a half seasons at spurs. They went from bottom of the league to champions league playing fast flowing football. Wish Mancini would would off back to italia and take his tippy tappy football with him.
ST Coleridge said:
If we're talking purely about style, then no.

We look to keep possession and strangle games, relying on a talented bit of interplay from a very talented front four (with the fullbacks providing width where appropriate). It's a sound approach.

If you're asking whether he and the players have perfected it yet, then they obviously haven't. But I wouldn't swap it for the tactical approach of Harry 'Mr. Entertainment' Redknapp - Spurs did nothing but launch the ball to Crouch on Wednesday, and look for nod-downs.

Yes but the leftback that was supposed to be great at bombing on is too slow to get past anyone so is only able to receive a square pass from Silva or whoever when he eventually gets up alongside them.The lack of width in the team is terrible.The lack of movement in the team is equally as bad and I'm struggling to see why we signed Dzeko because he clearly does not fit in with the style of play that Bobby plays.Surely someone who could work across the whole of the forward line and get in behind centre halfs is what was required.

As for the dig at twitcher for playing it tight and hitting long balls at home and infront against Milan with their main attacking outlet on the bench well I know who's style of play I'd rather watch most weeks with a shitload of money to spend.
mancinimadness said:
You can't but notice what harry redknapp has achieved in his 2 and a half seasons at spurs. They went from bottom of the league to champions league playing fast flowing football. Wish Mancini would would off back to italia and take his tippy tappy football with him.
I will stop you there though.

It's not as if he took a relegation-threatened side to the big time. That team had finished 5th the season before. And the season before that.

They had a rubbish start to the season, but he inherited a very good side and bought every ex-Portsmouth player he could find to add to the squad.
Wheelsy said:
mancinimadness said:
You can't but notice what harry redknapp has achieved in his 2 and a half seasons at spurs. They went from bottom of the league to champions league playing fast flowing football. Wish Mancini would would off back to italia and take his tippy tappy football with him.
I will stop you there though.

It's not as if he took a relegation-threatened side to the big time. That team had finished 5th the season before. And the season before that.

They had a rubbish start to the season, but he inherited a very good side and bought every ex-Portsmouth player he could find to add to the squad.

He took a team from 5th to 4th then?

A notable achievement (we haven't managed it yet!), but not the "miracle" many on here suggest.

They're currently 5th again, as well...
Craig said:
As for the dig at twitcher for playing it tight and hitting long balls at home and infront against Milan with their main attacking outlet on the bench well I know who's style of play I'd rather watch most weeks with a shitload of money to spend.

The grass is always greener, I suppose. But 'get it wide, cross it, get it wide, cross it...' isn't my sort of thing. That's just a question of taste, so fair enough.
Mike C said:
Wheelsy said:
I will stop you there though.

It's not as if he took a relegation-threatened side to the big time. That team had finished 5th the season before. And the season before that.

They had a rubbish start to the season, but he inherited a very good side and bought every ex-Portsmouth player he could find to add to the squad.

He took a team from 5th to 4th then?

A notable achievement (we haven't managed it yet!), but not the "miracle" many on here suggest.

They're currently 5th again, as well...

They are indeed currently 5th but my point was that redknapp can motivate a team, mancini can't . Let's face it we've bottled it in every big game we've had since hughes was here.
Mancinis style of football will never get us to where we want to be sadly
mancinimadness said:
You can't but notice what harry redknapp has achieved in his 2 and a half seasons at spurs. They went from bottom of the league to champions league playing fast flowing football. Wish Mancini would would off back to italia and take his tippy tappy football with him.

1) They finished the previous two seasons fifth.
2) The 'fast-flowing football' is mostly long ball to Crouch, knockdown to VDV.
3) It's 'Tiki Taka', and it's Spanish, not Italian. Do you like Barca or Spain?

Otherwise, top post.
It's very dull at times and I can see why someone would choose not to buy tickets for games at 40 quid a pop. My lad spent half the Wigan game texting and messing on his phone as he was bored rigid.

I enjoyed our football more under Hughes despite his obvious weaknesses. Whilst he wasn't the answer, I don't think Mancini is either.

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