Is it Mancini's brand of football that gets fans backs up?

Anyone who thinks Mancini's style of play is meant to be slow & unimaginative is clearly deluded.

Listen to post-match interviews where, on numerous occasions, RM & Platt have talked about "moving the ball quicker". That's what they want - fast, probing then incisive football. When we do this we look very good.
We need to do it a LOT more to be consistent & I'm confident that this will happen in time.

So please stfu about the boring, italian-style football. It's just crap.
we have an average swollen squad,

some are world class, but on the whole its fairly average.

the manager is also fairly average.

hence the performances are very average.
the away perfomances in europe are frankly shocking and void of tactics and ideas.

its not a moan or a slag off, its fact, we really are not that good and if we meet utd or arsenal in semis or final, the chances are we will be beaten.

maybe fourth and a semi final is where we really should be at this stage, everything else is wishful thinking.
ST Coleridge said:
mancinimadness said:
You can't but notice what harry redknapp has achieved in his 2 and a half seasons at spurs. They went from bottom of the league to champions league playing fast flowing football. Wish Mancini would would off back to italia and take his tippy tappy football with him.

1) They finished the previous two seasons fifth.
2) The 'fast-flowing football' is mostly long ball to Crouch, knockdown to VDV.
3) It's 'Tiki Taka', and it's Spanish, not Italian. Do you like Barca or Spain?

Otherwise, top post.

i can not believe you are comparing mancini's football to "barca or spain" what an absolute joke of a post
Optimus Prime said:
Style of football, the fact that he hasn't created anything representing a team spirit amongst the players, the fact that we have failed to make the most of a fantastic opportunity to finish as high as possible this season given the shortfallings of some of our competitors, the fact that despite all the investment and resources, we are still clearly less than the sum of our parts, which is pretty unforgivable, the fact that we are a one-dimensional, easy to play against, creativity-free, turgid bore of a side.

I could go on.

Surely Sheikh Mansour must want more for his investment than this - where's the enjoyment in watching City play at the moment?

Sums up my exact feelings on the matter.

If we persist with this manager and this brand of football we are going to piss away the best chance we have ever had of joining the party with the big boys of Europe.

I'm starting to think that the damage that has been done by Mancini (and Hughes) may mean that chance will be gone forever unless action is taken in May.
Haha thought this might happen but actually I'm glad because it is worth talking about.

The simple answer is yes. English football fans are just not used to it. It's embedded deep into their minds that, amongst other things, we play 4-4-2, we have fast wingers who get to the byline and get crosses in to a big brute of a centre forward. The playing style is a fast tempo, kick it and run after it as well as putting in a good strong tackle which inevitably gets the whole ground up and on their feet.

It might sound condescending but it is totally the way I see it. As soon as foreigners come here, put their foot on the ball and slow the tempo down the average English football fan gets his back up.

In terms of Mancini, he's made mistakes no doubt about it. The lack of a box-to-box midfielder imo is a total mystery and I'm hoping it's down to the right player not being available. If he's still here in the summer we will find out whether that is the reason or whether he is happy with what he's got. If that is to be the case then I would be worried.

His style of play does not irritate me one bit. Yes when you draw nil nil against teams you should be beating it is frustrating but I can see the bigger picture. Damocles is a hundred times better at explaining his tactics better than I can but I know from games this season that he doesn't want to play the sideway passing all the time. He wants to get forward and attack, with pace and wing backs but it hasn't quite come off. The funny thing is he is only 15 months into his reign here, if some of these things weren't sorted out in the summer I would be worried. I still think he's 2/3 players short of being the team that he wants us to be playing in the style he wants us to play.

What I am not worried about is Mancini as a manager and the style he adopts. I've waited for years to see City play the kind of football we have under him. The way we dictated the play at OT is exactly what I would expect from us in a years time. That is what Mancini wants us to do and how he wants us to play. With those 2/3 players I'm talking about we'd have won that game.

If he doesn't finish top 4 though, he will be gone. I don't want him to but he will be.
DD said:
Optimus Prime said:
Style of football, the fact that he hasn't created anything representing a team spirit amongst the players, the fact that we have failed to make the most of a fantastic opportunity to finish as high as possible this season given the shortfallings of some of our competitors, the fact that despite all the investment and resources, we are still clearly less than the sum of our parts, which is pretty unforgivable, the fact that we are a one-dimensional, easy to play against, creativity-free, turgid bore of a side.

I could go on.

Surely Sheikh Mansour must want more for his investment than this - where's the enjoyment in watching City play at the moment?

Sums up my exact feelings on the matter.

If we persist with this manager and this brand of football we are going to piss away the best chance we have ever had of joining the party with the big boys of Europe.

I'm starting to think that the damage that has been done by Mancini (and Hughes) may mean that chance will be gone forever unless action is taken in May.

While I don't think we are in a crisis with bungling bobby we certainly need to get rid of him in the summer.
Billy Spurdle said:
Anyone who thinks Mancini's style of play is meant to be slow & unimaginative is clearly deluded.

Listen to post-match interviews where, on numerous occasions, RM & Platt have talked about "moving the ball quicker". That's what they want - fast, probing then incisive football. When we do this we look very good.
We need to do it a LOT more to be consistent & I'm confident that this will happen in time.

So please stfu about the boring, italian-style football. It's just crap.

Well maybe the clown shouldn't have wasted £150 million on players who clearly aren't good enough to carry out his instructions then.

Be it tactics or be it the players, he has had long enough and more than enough money to assemble the team he wanted. Fact is, if we went back in time to last January, how many of Mancini's signings would we sign again? Silva? Yes. Then...erm...?

As for the football, it is boring, and you're right, "it's just crap" :)
mancinimadness said:
Mike C said:
He took a team from 5th to 4th then?

A notable achievement (we haven't managed it yet!), but not the "miracle" many on here suggest.

They're currently 5th again, as well...

They are indeed currently 5th but my point was that redknapp can motivate a team, mancini can't . Let's face it we've bottled it in every big game we've had since hughes was here.
Mancinis style of football will never get us to where we want to be sadly

It's hard to argue with you regarding the "big games" (suspect that problem pre-dates Hughes too!).

And there are certainly some valid concerns regarding the style of play under Mancini.

The problem often is, the arguments get lost in the rush to praise Redknapp to the skies, and condemn Mancini.
I'm a season ticket holder of thirty years and the whole situation reminds me of when Peter Reid was in charge.... We were doing ok but it wasn't pretty and you never thought we were going to win anything when it really came to the crunch.
ST Coleridge said:
Craig said:
As for the dig at twitcher for playing it tight and hitting long balls at home and infront against Milan with their main attacking outlet on the bench well I know who's style of play I'd rather watch most weeks with a shitload of money to spend.

The grass is always greener, I suppose. But 'get it wide, cross it, get it wide, cross it...' isn't my sort of thing. That's just a question of taste, so fair enough.

Well yeah i suppose it is.I'd always prefer to see players who can go past people like Lennon and Bale myself.Also though they play with one of the best playmakers in centre mid with Modric and Huddlestone is a pure footballer(when fit)infront of their defense.Oh and VDV is hardly a kick and rush merchant.Sorry for the Spurs love-in but bitterness and a everybody hates us attitude seems to cloud judgement for some.

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