Is our club against capping away prices?

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the club to introduced a voluntary solidarity payment of 1% from players salaries
I would be suprised if one single player went for it, no matter how much we love them they are one set of greedy fuckers and the £ sign will always come first.
Yes. My ticket is £725 and that's in 109, supposedly one of the cheaper areas of the ground. I have decided that, in principle, I will not pay more than £40 a game so another 5% increase will see me priced out.
Fuck me......£725 in 109?

I gave mine up two seasons ago due to work commitments, however the weekends stopped for the beginning of this season. I'm a stubborn twat, and refused point blank to give the club £100 for me to go on a waiting list (I just don't agree with it). So all I do now is come on here and get tickets off the ticket threads. I've not missed a game yet, including Cup games.
Work on the basis that 2,000 tickets on average actually go on sale to fans for away games (after the club, sponsors, etc have taken theirs). So that's 38,000 tickets. Let's round that up to 40,000.

Let's also say that the voluntary levy only applied to those paid over £500k a year and the total wage bill for those people is £175m. That would give us a potential pot of £1.75m. Dividing that by 40,000 gives a subsidy of £43.75 per ticket meaning no away game should cost more than £20.

If the club pay money to the players, who then pay it back to the club, doesn't 40% end up with Osborne?
If the club introduced a price rise next season for home games and season tickets would it trigger anyone to say "that's it ive had enough" ?

I was contemplating stopping my ST this season due to a £15 increase for which I'm paying £600 now.
if it increases again I'll re-assess my finances and may end up cancelling my Season Ticket :(

It's not just the £600, it's the cup games (yes I'm aware I'm not forced to buy them) away matches, food/drink/travel/social circles.... yes I'm aware no gun is pointed at my head - but if you're a true supporter you'll share the same feeling as I do (having to back my team)

I feel a breaking point has to occur for all true fans... Leave it to the prawn sandwich lot and let this commercial game rot.

I guess I'll have to find a cheaper club to support that's local...Hmm, wonder how much it is to watch Bury FC?
Fucking sad saying shit like this I know, but I enjoy supporting a local team and if I can't support City any more I can't just sit there on my sofa and watch the matches every week.
Sure I read somewhere recently the average fan age at top division matches was early 20s in the 1980s and now it's early 40s.
Whether it's ticket prices or lack of a next generation of fans coming thru there's a critical point coming soon.

we have one of the oldest fan bases imo. I'm 21 and most people around my age group dont go to football. when I've been this season most of the people I'm stood around are my dads age ( 50s). i think in maybe 10-15 years time stadiums will start to be more empty as no one is replacing that older generation in the grounds.
I was contemplating stopping my ST this season due to a £15 increase for which I'm paying £600 now.
if it increases again I'll re-assess my finances and may end up cancelling my Season Ticket :(

It's not just the £600, it's the cup games (yes I'm aware I'm not forced to buy them) away matches, food/drink/travel/social circles.... yes I'm aware no gun is pointed at my head - but if you're a true supporter you'll share the same feeling as I do (having to back my team)

I feel a breaking point has to occur for all true fans... Leave it to the prawn sandwich lot and let this commercial game rot.

I guess I'll have to find a cheaper club to support that's local...Hmm, wonder how much it is to watch Bury FC?
Fucking sad saying shit like this I know, but I enjoy supporting a local team and if I can't support City any more I can't just sit there on my sofa and watch the matches every week.
I went up to £600 also this season and the season before I contemplated giving up at the price then, but the monthly debit scheme convinced me to carry on with away fames cut down to maybe 10 at most. If it goes up by a lot more next year I will have to look at it again
we have one of the oldest fan bases imo. I'm 21 and most people around my age group don't go to football. when I've been this season most of the people I'm stood around are my dads age ( 50s). i think in maybe 10-15 years time stadiums will start to be more empty as no one is replacing that older generation in the grounds.

Oh they are being replaced... with tourists. I agree local younger people aren't going to the matches as much - they have much more entertainment options in their lives to choose from than in the 80's/90's.
I'm 30 yet I'm considered young amongst the group of blues in my section of the stadium.

For the price of a match ticket and a pint/pie the young lad could buy himself Fifa 16 and a bag of weed.
Times they are a changin'

This is why we are being priced out, as the suits who run the football businesses prefer the tourist who's going to spend £XXX in the club store and on Hotels/Flights etc.
Oh they are being replaced... with tourists. I agree local younger people aren't going to the matches as much - they have much more entertainment options in their lives to choose from than in the 80's/90's.
I'm 30 yet I'm considered young amongst the group of blues in my section of the stadium.

For the price of a match ticket and a pint/pie the young lad could buy himself Fifa 16 and a bag of weed.
Times they are a changin'

This is why we are being priced out, as the suits who run the football businesses prefer the tourist who's going to spend £XXX in the club store and on Hotels/Flights etc.

i dont think we are too bad for tourists yet. Even teams like newcastle are getting tourists now. I agree with you though for a fraction of the cost of a ticket I can go to the pub or town with all my mates, for a longer amount of time and a better atmosphere. the only way it will change is if prices come down ( everton game as an example - barely any tourists ), but again people around my age are used to not going now and can see why.
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Oh they are being replaced... with tourists. I agree local younger people aren't going to the matches as much - they have much more entertainment options in their lives to choose from than in the 80's/90's.
I'm 30 yet I'm considered young amongst the group of blues in my section of the stadium.

For the price of a match ticket and a pint/pie the young lad could buy himself Fifa 16 and a bag of weed.
Times they are a changin'

This is why we are being priced out, as the suits who run the football businesses prefer the tourist who's going to spend £XXX in the club store and on Hotels/Flights etc.
The tourist fans will only really affect the clubs who are flavour of the month which we are currently,maybe a handful for the rest.
People who run clubs tend to see no further than a few years down the road as its a business to them and there's unlikely to be any historical or emotional attachment to the club that might make them understand the grassroots supporters.
The age demographic issue is a juggernaut approaching that top level clubs are ignoring and will pay the price for.
i dont think we are too bad for tourists yet. Even teams like newcastle are getting tourists now. I agree with you though for a fraction of the cost of a ticket I can go to the pub or town with all my mates, for a longer amount of time and a better atmosphere. the only way it will change is if prices come down ( everton game as an example - barely any tourists ), but again people around my age are used to not going now and can see why.

Nail. On. Head.

The younger people can easily arrange a night out in town via facebook group chats and all the rest of it, see a music gig/night club/cinema/whatever and get wrecked out of their faces without having ShowSec constantly on their backs and have a decent chance of getting some chick/dick (whatever takes your fancy)
Then afterwards head towards an house party with the cheap Lidl booze....

Or for the same amount of money go and watch a bunch of overpayed self servants kick a leather ball around a grass field amongst people who are the same age as your parents, whilst you get treated like scum by Showsec and the Police... if you step into the navy blue boxes on the concourse you get threatened with being thrown out!!!
if you start showing some passion/emotion you even get filmed by the Police... add to this the fear of having glass bottles thrown at you by bitter scouse twats, then vilified throughout the media as being scum yourself for being a "football hooligan" even though you haven't done anything wrong.
You want to have a drink but get charged double the price inside the stadium and can't drink whilst watching the match.

I can go on and on... no fucking wonder the next generations see sense and don't go as much in numbers as they used to do.

Yes I'm moaning and I could stop going but I've played and watched this "sport" throughout my whole life and it's like attending church to me.
My gripes are with things that can be changed. Treated like criminals because of what other people have previously done.
I've never had the urge to fight over a football match yet I'm treated like a convict.

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