Is there a red shirt cartel or are we just deluded?


Nothing to see here!!
Yep these guys are pulling the PL and media strings and everyone is dancing to the tune.
One wears white shirts.

I’m nowhere near as paranoid or conspiracy theorist as many on here but do frequently use the word cartel when arguing with the burgeoning band of City haters. They may or may not literally be a cartel but I’m sure they are big negative influencers who sometimes talk together and with other clubs. And those other clubs form a sort of outer circle.

If pushed, I’d say yes.
One wears white shirts.

I’m nowhere near as paranoid or conspiracy theorist as many on here but do frequently use the word cartel when arguing with the burgeoning band of City haters. They may or may not literally be a cartel but I’m sure they are big negative influencers who sometimes talk together and with other clubs. And those other clubs form a sort of outer circle.

If pushed, I’d say yes.
And they banded together to write a letter concerning Manchester City.
There is 100% a USA centric cartel, or conspiracy of self interest. And Martin Samuel aside, they have bought off or intimidated the entire UK media.
Although it is and will be a temporary and transient cartel. At present the cartel members are all together in wanting/needing to derail City. They can see how well run we are compared to them, how successful we are on the pitch, and they hate it. They know that by working together with the media, and bullying a weak and incompetent PL, they can undermine us. The funny thing is that if they ever succeeded in getting us relegated for example, they would all turn on each other within 6 months, as each would see themselves as the rightful dominant force in the game. Historical entitlement.
It is a dog eat dog environment and if you can’t win fair and square, just band together and change the rules.

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