Is this 'fair'?

journolud said:
supercity36 said:
so you dont want the rich to have money THEY earnt? seems fair.... i guess

Not quite what I meant. After you have earned say a couple of million, is there much need for anymore sitting in your bank account. Not begrudging them their fleets of Bentleys and their big houses but there has to be a limit to what amount of money it is reasonable to have when there are hospitals and schools to be funded. I know it will never happen but it would be nice if just one mega rich superstar was able to say "well, I'm set for life, from now on all money I earn I will donate to the public good".

still the basic principle once someone has a certain amount they cant have any more, even though they will be the one who earnt it
off you trot to china!

supercity36 said:
journolud said:
Not quite what I meant. After you have earned say a couple of million, is there much need for anymore sitting in your bank account. Not begrudging them their fleets of Bentleys and their big houses but there has to be a limit to what amount of money it is reasonable to have when there are hospitals and schools to be funded. I know it will never happen but it would be nice if just one mega rich superstar was able to say "well, I'm set for life, from now on all money I earn I will donate to the public good".

still the basic principle once someone has a certain amount they cant have any more, even though they will be the one who earnt it
nah its crap, but most policies are these days. Is if fair that people with half decent jobs who work 50hrs+ a week end up being no better off than lazy arses who sit on their backsides watching daytime TV and claiming every benefit under the sun.
Immaculate Pasta said:
If i ever get to become a millionaire, my bank account will be in switzerland.

UK tax man still has access to it, as he does in all EU countries as well. This was agreed after the EU threatened Switzerland with a trade embargo if they didn't agree to it. Tracey Emin is so stupid she has decided to go and live the 'tax haven' that is France, a country with a wealth tax on all assets of the rich designed to hit arseholes specifically like her.
Immaculate Pasta said:
If i ever get to become a millionaire, my bank account will be in switzerland.

Which would make you worse than the students you claim are 'dodging tax' by plundering themselves into 20 grands worth of debt or thereabouts.

I'm a socialist, always have been and always will be.

Due to being at Uni I'm surrounded by the middle classes on a daily basis and they're a horrible bunch of bastards with horrible views, horrible accents and they all look like horses.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
If i ever get to become a millionaire, my bank account will be in switzerland.

Which would make you worse than the students you claim are 'dodging tax' by plundering themselves into 20 grands worth of debt or thereabouts.

I'm a socialist, always have been and always will be.

Due to being at Uni I'm surrounded by the middle classes on a daily basis and they're a horrible bunch of bastards with horrible views, horrible accents and they all look like horses.

I feel your pain. I did 6 years with the same types.

Political philosophies mean very little these days. The system is self serving and millions upon millions are wasted on paying people who would benefit society more if they were made into fertilizer.
The Lib Dems are in the fortunate posistion of being able to peddle all kinds of nonsense polices they do it everytime, because they know they are never going to be in power to implement them
mammutly said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Which would make you worse than the students you claim are 'dodging tax' by plundering themselves into 20 grands worth of debt or thereabouts.

I'm a socialist, always have been and always will be.

Due to being at Uni I'm surrounded by the middle classes on a daily basis and they're a horrible bunch of bastards with horrible views, horrible accents and they all look like horses.

I feel your pain. I did 6 years with the same types.

Political philosophies mean very little these days. The system is self serving and millions upon millions are wasted on paying people who would benefit society more if they were made into fertilizer.

Horrible aren't they? I've managed to isolate myself from the majority of them, wasn't too hard being northern and working class, but the odd one slips under the radar at some point and tries to change my world view the little lord fauntelroy bastards.

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