
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

GresleyChris said:
gman07 said:
GresleyChris said:
Not after a bite at all, just can't believe how many times and how many people do this year after year and fall for the bullshit that comes from ITKs and other sources.

Wait for the announcement, until then, nothing else matters
who do you think you are telling people how to live their lives?? What makes your voice the right one? Dont you ever laugh and have fun with fellow brothers? Why should we even care what you think? Now will you let us have a party and go somewhere else and make yourself miserable!!!

So because I'm not playing the game or joining in the hysteria I can't comment. Okay.

Last time I checked this was a transfer forum thread about Isco who I would love us to sign. Yet nothing seems to get said about the player, his style, how he might fit in to the team etc. It's a thread overrun with nasty comments for people who don't tow the line, or bullshit from people ITK.

I'd love to talk about the player but its page upon page of speculation about which twitter source is false or who said what. That's my main point in all this.

Why can't we talk football anymore...?
Feel free to talk about how you feel about the player and why he would make us stronger but stop telling us how we should conduct ourselves when we are happy or "moody"... make your point without the telling everyone else they are doing things wrong...

this is part 8 of this thread and we all have talked about isco and how he will suit our team or not... it has been pro and con en masse... but today we finally had some fairly good news that he actually might join us hence the craziness with gifs and stuff...
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Its happening...
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Akai said:
I am 100% sure of my translation!

I don't know any arabic, but the comment strongly suggests that Isco doesn't agree with the Malaga chairmans suggestion that he should stay in Spain. Isco wants to come to England.

I don't understand why anyone would suggest otherwise, even if I dont think this will happen
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

S04 said:
LoveCity said:
bugsyblue said:
Can anyone post the actual Spanish so I can get it properly translated?

It's in Arabic. Someone from Dubai told me on Twitter it's Al Thani confirming Isco is joining Real but Akai's translation suggests the opposite:


Can´t find that tweet mate..

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

you'll have to select tweets all
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Stoned Rose said:
ChrisGresley either stop skriking about the thread and taking up thread space or go on a thread you 'get'.

You're doing people's heads right in bud.

Okay bud. Will do. Wouldn't wanna do people's heads in
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Akai said:
LoveCity said:
Here's a translation of the Malaga owner appearing to confirm that Isco is joining Real Madrid:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 9424115712</a>

it translates to: "It's the choice of the player and we can't do anything about it because of the terms in the contract, I'd have liked him to stay in Spain if he wanted out"

Ignore my last post just seen this. Thanks
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Re the Al-Thani twitter quotes, the guy to whom he replies then says,

'Sheikh, I was hoping that he would go to City but he's your player, you know what's best for you and for him. Thanks'

The Sheikh then sends his greetings back.

Implies Madrid-bound to me

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