
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Arab fan here. Saw the AlThani twitter thingy, so here goes-
"It is the choice of the player and we cannot prevent him due to the release clause. And I, personally, would've preferred for him to stay in Spain and not go to a team outside of spain. And there's another thing, but I'll withold it. Thank you."
His statement can be read to say either
1) I wanted him to stay in Spain, yet he refused.
2) I wanted him to stay in Spain. His and my wishes matched.

Regardless, nothing really definitive here.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Pam said:
toby said:
SouthStand116 said:
Getting ready to be called a rag due to my lack of posts! But hey here goes.

The Madrid fans are going crazy on twitter tweeting pictures of isco photoshopped in a Madrid shirt. There Arabic speaking fans seem to think the way it is written or translates means he is going to Madrid. Is there nobody on here that can speak Arabic or should I say read it. Does anybody have ajays number haha I would love to rub it in those Madrid fans faces arrogant twats.

Ps if you are concerned about me being a rag Ric is good friends with my cousins and I speak to him on Christmas Eve every year at a family do so he can confirm I am a blue and am a season ticket holder. Anyway who cares call me what the fuck you want. Haha

You have been a member since 2009 and this is your 2nd post lol what was your first ??

Sorry Southstand, but you're the worst rag troll I've ever read.
You really make me piss, you. You have an account on redcafe, but yet your favourite past time is to label City fans as 'rags'. It's bizarre.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Paul Lake's Left Knee said:
GresleyChris said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Truth always hits a nerve though pal...Why dont you just pull one off>> You will feel much better

Yeah fair enough. I'll give it a try

Thats the attitude... if this was the cellar, then you'd get a few people saying they want pictures or it never happened...

How the fuck would he post pics of him not getting a shag ??? ;)
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

LoveCity said:
gaudino4 said:
The Malaga owners Twitter comment about Real Madrid has disappeared.

Still there. You have to click All replies as it's a verified account.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 2509209601</a>

Ahh yeah thanks. I'm not well up on Twitter.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Mrmcfc said:
SouthStand116 said:
Pam said:
Sorry Southstand, but you're the worst rag troll I've ever read.

Yeah alright pam if you say so. Do you want my season ticket seat too. Or if u speak to Nikki (bluebird) I think she's called on here she will put u in your place! So do one!
Shit just got real

Yeah I've been a member since 2009 sorry didn't realise it makes me less of a fan than you because I don't often feel the need to log in I'm quite happy reading posts thanks!
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

SouthStand116 said:
Akai said:
LoveCity said:
Here's a translation of the Malaga owner appearing to confirm that Isco is joining Real Madrid:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 9424115712</a>

it translates to: "It's the choice of the player and we can't do anything about it because of the terms in the contract, I'd have liked him to stay in Spain if he wanted out"

Ignore my last post just seen this. Thanks

This was tweeted earlier in he day when the Madrid offer was the best on the table. Since we've matched it and offered another 6k in add ons Al Thani probably couldn't give a toss either way now but it does suggest that it was a ploy to up the bidding all along.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Pam said:
SouthStand116 said:
Pam said:
Sorry Southstand, but you're the worst rag troll I've ever read.

Yeah alright pam if you say so. Do you want my season ticket seat too. Or if u speak to Nikki (bluebird) I think she's called on here she will put u in your place! So do one!

Funny but it just so happens that the swamp has a South Stand. That's where your season ticket is at.
Calm down some people just don't post much.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Pam said:
SouthStand116 said:
Pam said:
Sorry Southstand, but you're the worst rag troll I've ever read.

Yeah alright pam if you say so. Do you want my season ticket seat too. Or if u speak to Nikki (bluebird) I think she's called on here she will put u in your place! So do one!

Funny but it just so happens that the swamp has a South Stand. That's where your season ticket is at.

Oy.......he said he spends Christmas Eve with Ric, are you not paying attention!
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Pam said:
SouthStand116 said:
Pam said:
Sorry Southstand, but you're the worst rag troll I've ever read.

Yeah alright pam if you say so. Do you want my season ticket seat too. Or if u speak to Nikki (bluebird) I think she's called on here she will put u in your place! So do one!

Funny but it just so happens that the swamp has a South Stand. That's where your season ticket is at.


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