
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

MercerWay said:
Arab fan here. Saw the AlThani twitter thingy, so here goes-
"It is the choice of the player and we cannot prevent him due to the release clause. And I, personally, would've preferred for him to stay in Spain and not go to a team outside of spain. And there's another thing, but I'll withold it. Thank you."
His statement can be read to say either
1) I wanted him to stay in Spain, yet he refused.
2) I wanted him to stay in Spain. His and my wishes matched.

Regardless, nothing really definitive here.

Thanks mate and welcome to bluemoon!
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Mrmcfc said:
SouthStand116 said:
Mrmcfc said:
Shit just got real

Yeah I've been a member since 2009 sorry didn't realise it makes me less of a fan than you because I don't often feel the need to log in I'm quite happy reading posts thanks!
Only pullin' your chain pal.
IDGAF what your post count is.

Obviously you do! ;-)
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Does anyone else feel like they're on the set of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest?

I'm here waiting for Nurse Ratched to announce when it's medication time............
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Firasdo said:
The owner is implying that its a done deal to Madrid.

Lets move on now, he is not better than Hazard.

I don't know what is going to happen, but that quote clearly implies that Isco does NOT agree with the Malaga chairmans wishes for him to stay in Spain. It suggests that he wants to go to another country. Whether the Malaga chairman has actually said that I don't know.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Pam said:
toby said:
SouthStand116 said:
Getting ready to be called a rag due to my lack of posts! But hey here goes.

The Madrid fans are going crazy on twitter tweeting pictures of isco photoshopped in a Madrid shirt. There Arabic speaking fans seem to think the way it is written or translates means he is going to Madrid. Is there nobody on here that can speak Arabic or should I say read it. Does anybody have ajays number haha I would love to rub it in those Madrid fans faces arrogant twats.

Ps if you are concerned about me being a rag Ric is good friends with my cousins and I speak to him on Christmas Eve every year at a family do so he can confirm I am a blue and am a season ticket holder. Anyway who cares call me what the fuck you want. Haha

You have been a member since 2009 and this is your 2nd post lol what was your first ??

Sorry Southstand, but you're the worst rag troll I've ever read.

Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

SouthStand116 said:
Mrmcfc said:
SouthStand116 said:
Yeah I've been a member since 2009 sorry didn't realise it makes me less of a fan than you because I don't often feel the need to log in I'm quite happy reading posts thanks!
Only pullin' your chain pal.
IDGAF what your post count is.

Obviously you do! ;-)
Who am I to judge, only been a fan since 2008!
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Kun Aguero said:
I thought I was the biggest rag on this forum but SouthStand116 beats me hands down.

Pretty Rag thing to say..
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

I have to keep reminding myself that this is actually about football, been a bizarre two days trying to follow this.

I don't think I've ever been this emotionally invested in a transfer before, promised myself I wouldn't after the Hazard disappointment, but this is stupidly addictive.

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