Islamic Terrorism: is religion/belief no matter how misguided, the main motivator?

Well I think we'd all prefer that option.

Yeah, well those gangs do kill a hell of a lot of innocent people too. Anyway Islamism i's a particularly shite version of...I don't know what to call it, but that movement of impressionable, troubled young men into criminal groups/gangs, but my point is just that if Islam disappeared overnight, you're still going to have a lot of poor, disillusioned, impressionable kids who are likely to turn towards unsavoury groups who promise them a purpose and a way out.
First I have ever heard of "Salafist jihadists"

The media oversimplify things in order to help comprehension of events.

Like saying that ISIS bombed Manchester, which it absolutely did not. Or that ISIS have taken over a town in Indonesia which they absolutely have not. ISIS have spent most of the day fighting the PMU, a Shia force of grouped militias sponsored by the Iraqi Government to help them defeat ISIS.

They're fighting in Qairawan, West Mosul currently. You can see a video of the PMU rolling into Mosul today here. You'll have to forgive the Hollywood music, it's a propaganda channel:

Oh, it's just occurred to me to point out that the PMU who are literally fighting ISIS as we sit here typing are also Muslims too.

Also going on today is the re-decoration of the areas of Mosul liberated last week. Here a street artist is painting over the ISIS murals that they put up in the city

What they're not doing is hiding in flats in Blackley.
Do you think young British born males would be blowing themselves up, a long with innocent men, women and children if they didn't believe god was commanding it?
More than likely. We see people commit murders and shootings without An excuse of God. Humans have always been weird bastards. We have seen it over politics, sports, racism, land, cultures etc. Religion is just another excuse for violence
Feck me there are some sick bastards on here if they think Christianity is a problem.
The 11th Commandment given by Jesus overrides every other statement in the bible.
John 13:34 "34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
Every act done by a Christian should be framed by this. Indeed, as such, the Old Testament is really just background.

Now historically rulers and leaders have abused this fact. But there is NOTHING more important. NOTHING.

Spot on mate(might not have put it so strongly but agree with your comments!;) ..surprised so many prefer to forget these facts.....The problem is NOT whats written in the bible(or any other book of faith) its the men/women that twist the words to suit there own selfish/evil motives. Whatever anyone believes, the basis of Christianity (and most faiths) is "love"
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IMO they might not be blowing themselves up, but they're not going to be model citizens either. A lot of these guys have similar profiles to the kind of guys who might get pulled into gangs in some US inner-city housing project - or even those that were pulled into the proper hooligan firms.

They're usually poor, have little prospects, and tons of problems so that when someone comes a long and offers a group to join and a purpose, as well as explaining away all the reasons your life is shit, it's a very powerful thing. And with Islamic extremism, you're already half bought in if you already believe in the religion.

Fully agree with your 2nd paragraph.
Yeah, well those gangs do kill a hell of a lot of innocent people too. Anyway Islamism i's a particularly shite version of...I don't know what to call it, but that movement of impressionable, troubled young men into criminal groups/gangs, but my point is just that if Islam disappeared overnight, you're still going to have a lot of poor, disillusioned, impressionable kids who are likely to turn towards unsavoury groups who promise them a purpose and a way out.
You mean like every other culture and background has in the UK?

As I say, I know what I'd prefer. And he can't have been that poor given the fact he kept fucking off to Libya.
In your dreams. Meanwhile in the real word...

That's funnier than your last one.

But they aren't real Christians. Don't blame the book for the actions of those who cherry pick.
I should also point out that the number of people killed by Christian 'Crusades' Pograms and other Christian related wars tops out at 30m.
Neither will I blame Marx and Engels for the mass murder of 95-120 million under Atheist communist regimes.
Uncle Adolph despatched 20m in 10 years (that is some going), The Mongols too killed more 20m-50m but most of all the Black Death dispatched a whopping 450m souls.

Unbelievable. Staggering actually. You are taking solace in the fact religion has killed only 30M. I assume you're including the recent deaths of millions from Aids in Africa in those numbers due the catholic church's refusal to allow condoms?

The Atheists you mention didn't kill in the name of Atheism.

As for the black death...I'd never before considered assessing the merits of religion by comparing to a bacteria. You might be on to something though.
Not saying I like it, but I see some people trying to deny that there's any link at all between religion and terrorism, which simply isn't the case.

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