Istanbul CL Final chaos | City Matters statement (p 133)

I’m not sure you’d get the situation even with video unless it was from a high viewpoint. Plus people were more concentrating on finding a bus or not getting crushed and staying with the group (because you’d never find them again). The thought of trying to capture it on my phone just didn’t occur to me.
I have a brief video and 1 pic actually no idea how to add them though!
It’s with everyone involved.

Both clubs should be of the understanding well before the game that everything is risk assessed and safe for fans and, if not, they should be checking and then demanding that things are before the game takes place… maybe doing their own RAs to make sure. Knowing how bad an organisation UEFA are and how badly finals have been run in the past, we should really have been proactive with that as a club and absolutely should be in the future. No club should just assume UEFA will run something properly because they’ve shown they cannot.

I’ll bet both clubs only bothered to check how their boardrooms and teams were being looked after to a high enough standard.

The stadium operators and local government district/city council and Police/fire service should be well in control of all safety aspects and logistics of facilities so that everything runs smoothly and safely in and around the stadium and with transport.

UEFA are answerable as they are the promoters and governing body of the event - and they’re a fucking shit show of an organisation, as we’ve known for over a decade - but there are many other entities who should have input and responsibility.

Exactly mate. Everybody's hatred of UEFA is letting others off very lightly. As much as I'm sure the feeling is mutual I think they're probably relieved City won as this isn't getting anywhere near the exposure it should be.
It’s with everyone involved.

Both clubs should be of the understanding well before the game that everything is risk assessed and safe for fans and, if not, they should be checking and then demanding that things are before the game takes place… maybe doing their own RAs to make sure. Knowing how bad an organisation UEFA are and how badly finals have been run in the past, we should really have been proactive with that as a club and absolutely should be in the future. No club should just assume UEFA will run something properly because they’ve shown they cannot.

I’ll bet both clubs only bothered to check how their boardrooms and teams were being looked after to a high enough standard.

The stadium operators and local government district/city council and Police/fire service should be well in control of all safety aspects and logistics of facilities so that everything runs smoothly and safely in and around the stadium and with transport.

UEFA are answerable as they are the promoters and governing body of the event - and they’re a fucking shit show of an organisation, as we’ve known for over a decade - but there are many other entities who should have input and responsibility.

I didn't get any emails, links to guidance, etc. from anyone other than UEFA, some of which was passed to me via City. No Turkish authority promised me anything, UEFA did telling me I was 'at the heart' of the experience.
UEFA adopted the mantle of responsibility in the most direct way possible and it is they that are immediately and wholly accountable for what occurred.
For the record, I have never booed the UEFA anthem and I have had no reason to 'hate' them. On Saturday, that changed significantly when they put my wife, fellow supporters and myself at significant risk.
if your house is messy you should not organize a party and invite people that you are not familiar with.
that fucks up your reputation. how stupid is that?

Great analogy.

Almost everybody these days has a mobile phone. Does anyone have footage or photos of what they had to go through. Just to let the rest of us who didn't go see what the attending fans had to put up with.

Tried uploading a video to give you an idea of how slow the bus was going but the file was too big to upload. This was of us broken down on the main road. Some not knowing where to go, I'd walked down the main road and jumped on another bus that was following.

The novelty or taking photos had worn off quite quickly as every bus journey was a fucking disaster.


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This was so predictable. Lying bastards.


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