It’s hot

We're forecast thunderstorms today so all these wet fannies can put their speedos on and go out in the midday sun. These fuckers that are complaining about climate change please enlighten me as to what significant lifestyle changes you are making in your life to help, probably have 3 cars parked on your drive and have 2 to 3 holidays a year because you need it. Its not an individual like me or my family that will make an iota of difference until the likes of China and India and the US take a good hard look at themselves. Our recycling bin hasn't been emptied for 3 weeks so I've stuck it in my normal bin, the council don't seem to prioritise recycling so why should I?

Havent eaten meat for about a decade, this is for environmental but mainly animal welfare reasons.

Cutting out air travel where possible and if I do travel to an airport, using buses to get there.

Cycling whenever I can rather than driving, I also only own 1 small car.

Generally buying 'less stuff' and purchasing clothes from second hand shops.

Do you need me to go on? My assumption is you've done none of these. Saying 'oh i'm only 1 person' is just stupid, because if millions of people also make those adjustments, then thats significant.
I'm chilly now, might put a pully on.
Just been outside, seems OK, no one floundering on the deck begging for water.
2 days.
Fuck me a country full of fannies.

Jesus, more brain dead posts.

Yes the temperature has dropped today, ending the heatwave? Parts of the country will then be going back up to the high 30's again by Sunday.

Whats your point?
We're forecast thunderstorms today so all these wet fannies can put their speedos on and go out in the midday sun. These fuckers that are complaining about climate change please enlighten me as to what significant lifestyle changes you are making in your life to help, probably have 3 cars parked on your drive and have 2 to 3 holidays a year because you need it. Its not an individual like me or my family that will make an iota of difference until the likes of China and India and the US take a good hard look at themselves. Our recycling bin hasn't been emptied for 3 weeks so I've stuck it in my normal bin, the council don't seem to prioritise recycling so why should I?
I’ve got rid of my car in recent years. I’ll never have a car again in my life. It’s cheaper, it is better for my health, it is better for the environment, and I live in a city and am able bodied so I don’t actually need a car.

I have cut down on meat consumption n’all. I eat meat 3 days a week now. Imagine the difference if everyone did the same.

Of course comparing one household to three big contributor countries is going to be a drop in the ocean. That’s a daft comparison. But If we all as individual households made little changes it would make a massive difference overall. Britain is edging ever closer to over 50% of our energy usage coming from renewables. If the entire world was doing the same thing and eventually achieving 100% then we’d be doing the human race some good.

We won’t achieve that with flippant attitudes though. We should all be doing our bit and all be putting pressure on for our countries to do their bit too. If it wasn’t for people speaking to MPs, campaigning, putting pressure on our government, we’d still be using 0% renewables. But everyone’s hard work is getting Britain towards 50% already. So let’s all do some more!

Recycling isn’t anything to do with climate change. The actual process of recycling actually adds to CO2 emissions. Despite recycling being better than landfill, it’s alternatives to plastics we need to be buying, or keeping our plastics to use again and again instead of passing the problem on to someone else to recycle them for you. But why would you stop bothering about something just because a council might be struggling with resources at the moment? That’s childish.
Havent eaten meat for about a decade, this is for environmental but mainly animal welfare reasons.

Cutting out air travel where possible and if I do travel to an airport, using buses to get there.

Cycling whenever I can rather than driving, I also only own 1 small car.

Generally buying 'less stuff' and purchasing clothes from second hand shops.

Do you need me to go on? My assumption is you've done none of these. Saying 'oh i'm only 1 person' is just stupid, because if millions of people also make those adjustments, then thats significant.
We have one car, try to cut down on waste, recycle when the fuckers turn up but still eat meat, but fair play to you if that is your choice. Its not that I think one person won't make a difference, its just I look at this feckless society and despair of it
I’ve got rid of my car in recent years. I’ll never have a car again in my life. It’s cheaper, it is better for my health, it is better for the environment, and I live in a city and am able bodied so I don’t actually need a car.

I have cut down on meat consumption n’all. I eat meat 3 days a week now. Imagine the difference if everyone did the same.

Of course comparing one household to three big contributor countries is going to be a drop in the ocean. That’s a daft comparison. But If we all as individual households made little changes it would make a massive difference overall. Britain is edging ever closer to over 50% of our energy usage coming from renewables. If the entire world was doing the same thing and eventually achieving 100% then we’d be doing the human race some good.

We won’t achieve that with flippant attitudes though. We should all be doing our bit and all be putting pressure on for our countries to do their bit too. If it wasn’t for people speaking to MPs, campaigning, putting pressure on our government, we’d still be using 0% renewables. But everyone’s hard work is getting Britain towards 50% already. So let’s all do some more!

Recycling isn’t anything to do with climate change. The actual process of recycling actually adds to CO2 emissions. Despite recycling being better than landfill, it’s alternatives to plastics we need to be buying, or keeping our plastics to use again and again instead of passing the problem on to someone else to recycle them for you. But why would you stop bothering about something just because a council might be struggling with resources at the moment? That’s childish.
The sooner supermarkets change their packaging the better but their is little sign of it at the moment. Cellophane and plastic on nearly everything and by the way I'm not stopping because the council are struggling but don't see why I should leave the recycling bin out on the pavement when I've no idea when it will be emptied when our normal refuse is being collected as normal
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Hate to be pedantic but shouldn't we change the thread title to 'It's not hot any more'. That way, the usual suspects can moan about the shit summer we're having this year again and that climate change is all a hoax.
Just been out surveying the wreckage from yesterday. Brown grass everywhere. it'll take a long time to get over this and for years well be talking of the big one back in 22.
You'll be surprised how quickly grass can recover, a week or two of torrential rain and it will look like it never happened. August is probably when it will happen, it's usually when I book my annual leave :-)

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