It’s hot

Hate to be pedantic but shouldn't we change the thread title to 'It's not hot any more'. That way, the usual suspects can moan about the shit summer we're having this year again and that climate change is all a hoax.

It's back into the 30s again on the weekend, so it can stay.
Just been out surveying the wreckage from yesterday. Brown grass everywhere. it'll take a long time to get over this and for years well be talking of the big one back in 22.

Luckily your not one of those whose house burned down

Would be nice to talk about the record breaking heatwave in 22 but it’s looking likely we’ll be hitting these temps and even hotter within the next few years on a regular occurrence
You'll be surprised how quickly grass can recover, a week or two of torrential rain and it will look like it never happened. August is probably when it will happen, it's usually when I book my annual leave :-)
I read the other day that watering a lawn is a no no. Roots liable to turn up and make brownness worse. Leave it and it will recover quite quickly.
Just been out surveying the wreckage from yesterday. Brown grass everywhere. it'll take a long time to get over this and for years well be talking of the big one back in 22.
Down in London, it was the busiest day for their fire service since the Blitz. They received over 2,600 calls when a busy day usually has around 350 calls.

Around 1,500 excess deaths a day occur during heatwaves. When you think that Covid barely topped that at its worst, it shows how bad a heatwave can be.
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Yes the temperature has dropped today, ending the heatwave? Parts of the country will then be going back up to the high 30's again by Sunday.
Just out of interest, where is going to be high 30s at the weekend? Only mid-20s forecast here with a chance of rain

Mid 20s to 30 is nice. Lower doesn't feel like Summer and higher is uncomfortable.

If it's going to be a regular thing, then I guess we'll have to adapt to it as they do in places like Greece, Spain and Italy etc. Air con and pools.
Now we can’t move to Europe the weathers moving to us :-)

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