It Hurts

Lucky Toma said:
Considering we lost an FA Cup final in the final minute I'm surprisingly okay. I think its because I expected us to lose. Never had such a feeling before but I just knew we would.[/quote

Spooky but I just felt we would lose as well, , just a gut feeling. After 20 minutes I had no doubles!
It Hurts!!!!
Bit drama queen for me that mate.
We are City, no stranger to disappointment.
I would of been pissed off if I was a pie chomper and my team didn't perform in my only FA Cup final in its entirety.
City will return to Wembley in the future.
Buy yourself a titfer and doff it to Wigan.

By the way the amount of time we took the piss out of clubs like Wigan when it was1-0 in their cup final. Well yesterday it was ours as well.
It hurt more when we used to get relegated. Just shows nothing in football or life is guaranteed the more the disappointment the greater the pleasure when it is sucess. Hey hum we move on.
Lucky Toma said:
Considering we lost an FA Cup final in the final minute I'm surprisingly okay. I think its because I expected us to lose. Never had such a feeling before but I just knew we would.[/quote

Spooky but I just felt we would lose as well, , just a gut feeling. After 20 minutes I had no doubles!
No hurt felt. It would be 'hurt' if we had hammered Wigan, their keeper had a worldy and then they scored in the way they did at the end. That would hurt.

It doesn't hurt seeing a group of players play anything but the way they are capable of, not look remotely arsed about the occasion they were playing in and what it meant to us, the fans. What that does is cause anger, not hurt.

I'm looking forward to a few months away from City if i'm honest. Refresh the batteries, see what we do in the transfer market, whoever is in charge, and look forward to next season as it comes closer. Definitely ready for a bit of a rest from it though, and yesterday just confirmed that the way our players 'performed'.
Pigeonho said:
No hurt felt. It would be 'hurt' if we had hammered Wigan, their keeper had a worldy and then they scored in the way they did at the end. That would hurt.

It doesn't hurt seeing a group of players play anything but the way they are capable of, not look remotely arsed about the occasion they were playing in and what it meant to us, the fans. What that does is cause anger, not hurt.

I'm looking forward to a few months away from City if i'm honest. Refresh the batteries, see what we do in the transfer market, whoever is in charge, and look forward to next season as it comes closer. Definitely ready for a bit of a rest from it though, and yesterday just confirmed that the way our players 'performed'.

Exactly my sentiments fella-I will not watch any pre season or anything. I will not watch football until the 17th August now...3 months off it..
Colin_Bell said:
It really hurts like never before and I've no excuses or blame, Thanks City !!

Is it just me or do others feel this way ?

Get a grip! Think about when we were crap, and I mean laughably crap like the days of Jamie Pollock.
Hurt me more when we lost to West Ham & Blackburn in the quarter finals.

We'll have plenty more days in the sun.
Ray78 said:
Nope, disappointed a bit pissed off but not hurt as this result had been coming.
Pretty much sums up my feelings too. More annoyed with the way the club has handled the "Pellegrini affair" tbh.

I've hurt a lot more in the past - Luton relegation, the slide into Div 3 and the 5-0 gubbing at the Swamp for starters.
I am annoyed at the way the players didn't seem to care. They played as though they had just eaten a full English breakfast 20 minutes earlier. Far too slow, second to the ball... Wigan cared more and that makes me sad. I am actually more devastated at the way the board have treated Mancini who only a year ago, they gave a 5 year contract too. Forza Mancini... You will never be forgotten.

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