Its Joe's turn now...! (MERGED)

blumoonrises said:
Tomorrows NOTW:
"HERE'S England goalie Joe Hart preparing for this week's vital Euro 2012 qualifier - drunkenly dancing on a bar at 3am with two blondes in a two-day bender"


How awful of him.... he's got a match on errr..Tuesday.

They've got a video of it, he doesnt even look pissed.

"Hart's wild display comes just a month after Spurs manager Harry Redknapp slammed England's stars. There's one common problem - it's called drink, he said."

Yep and in Dirty Harry's day they all just sat around playing tiddly winks, no body ever drank its a the new thing along with paying hookers for 3 in the bed romps whilst your pregnant wifes at home.
Re: Hart is a Ledge

myleftfoot said:
thank feck there was a "disgusted fan" that just happened to be in Linakers Bar at 3 am in spain to regretfully report all this carry on, what would we do without these true social champions!!!

Straight to the NOTW saying "look just give £200 so I can buy a ticket for the England game".

-- Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:49 am --

black mamba said:
The question is ..... what if he'd fallen off that bar , and broke his ankle or somethin'?

That's what Capello will be thinking .. and no doubt Mancini too if he sees it!

He would be in the medical room and when fit again he would be the "World Class" keeper watching Given between the sticks. :-)<br /><br />-- Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:53 am --<br /><br />
Rahart said:
peacefrog said:
I agree.

I know he wasn't on manchester city duty, but I don't think that matters. I believe he still has an obligation to represent city in the best and most professional manner at all times, which means with decorum. City should leave him in no doubt they expect better in future.

At the end of the day, he's 23 years old and we've to remember that.
He's also a professional footballer earning millions. And has the honour of minding both the City and English jersey.

But he can't be both, he can't be like a normal 23 year old going out on the piss and a professional player, going out on an apparent 2 day bender, 3 days before a bloody important game for England. Even if it's just England.

We are told to stay off the drink for the week if we've a championship game, and that's just an amateur club game, but we take it seriously and we are expected to take it seriously. And if a few decide to go for a few it's not going to be down in the local for all the place to see.

And you're right, why is it every other athlete it seems in every other sport can behave themselves, and ours look like twats treating the game with no respect, all over the papers.

What they do in their personal life is just that, and while it's none of our bisness and I fully believe that, when they but he is being paid too much to piss around and go on the lash before a big game.
Be a 23 year old kid or be a professional football player. He needs to grow up and learn that he's not a kid any more.

We're laughing it off now, but if that was 3 days before a City game I'd have hoped he'd have a bit more respect for the club than that. And if it was 3 days before a City game I don't think a lot on here would be laughing so hard.
We're lauging at it, but I can't see Capello being too thrilled, stupidity from Terry, Crouch, Rooney, now the golden boy Hart. God love the boy if he has a bad game.
He's lucky people like him, if it was Rooney or Terry..etc we'd be absolutely ripping him one.

He's young, but it's no excuse, but yet again, it's yet another "learning curve" for Hart.

I think this was last week just after the Newcastle game - it states 2 days before meeting up with the England squad - so this is well before last weekends rounds of internationals.
Rahart said:
carlos92 said:
I will be concerned if he was causing trouble but what he is doing is harmless. He is still a young lad ffs.

Agreed, he's only 23 and I know that getting pissed and dancing on a bar with two blondes isn't by far the worse thing any of us have done, much, much worse in many occasions I'd guess. But my only point is that he needs to smarten up and realise that he can't go out and make a total show of himself ending up on the front of the paper.
If that's any normal 23 year old, it wouldn't make ya blink. Just some lad having a laugh, but in this case it's another English player not taking it sersiously. He needs to realise how much spotlight he's under and grow up a little. He'll get an earfull from Capello, who's had enough of English players making the team look like a joke because of off field carry ons, and probably Mancini will have a word as well. But this is something he needs to learn from.

Methinks you have a hidden agenda on Hart !!!
The only 'serious problem' is that the English press are the only ones who slaughter their national players all throughout the year and then wonder why they do badly at massive tournaments.

Shock horror a young lad getting drunk and having a dance when he hasn't got work! Not like he's bedding a hooker while his pregnant wife's at home, or putting a team mate in hospital after attacking him from behind, is it?
Gotta give him some stick next home game.

To the tune of Stayin' Alive

oh oh oh oh, Joe Hart, Joe Hart
oh oh oh oh, Joe Haaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttt

And after he obliges us with a little dance (or a shite goal kick):

He just can't
He just can't
He just can't control his feet!

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