It's Quiet 17 - Glory Thread

Its not there for me lol just the pitcam, and higlights

What device are you trying to watch it on? I tried watching it on my firestick and it looked like the most recent one they had was the Villa game.

But if you scroll down to the "full-match replays" section and go all the way to the right until you can click on "view all", then it should come up as the first one.

Might be the same if you're watching on the TV app, not sure.
There's not a chance we're signing 2 left backs this summer. You can say Cancelo is a right back but it's as good as certain that he is going to start the season as first choice left back, we aren't bringing in a backup and then a backup for the backup and that's without mentioning Ake.
If we sign Cucurella, Cancelo will not be the first choice left back.
conclude this, we need another forward. Some people are asking for a winger, others for a striker. I say a forward. Not an attacking midfielder able to operate as a forward. A forward. With the whole package: Tactically flexible as much as possible (I've already explained why). Quick, sharp, creative, competitive with the ball, intelligent, finisher. The whole package...
I agree with your entire post fully

A quick intelligent attacker will really do us a great service. Leao or Diaby would be great additions to our squad.

As for the rest of your post: a 1000likes to you!
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If we sign Cucurella, Cancelo will not be the first choice left back.

Agreed, Cancelo will be 2nd choice lb and will be competing with Walker for rb.

Incorrect, if we signed him we’d have 3 capable full backs for 60 games with each one broadly playing 40 each.
Cancelo - Walker
Cucurella - Walker
Cucurella - Cancelo

First choice only is a thing for big games when all fit and it wont be fixed from day 1. It will be form, fatigue, opponents that dictate who plays.
i don't think cucurella just walks into the starting 11. Different skillsets but nowhere near to cancelo's technicalities.

but why sign a proper left back and not play him mate? I think cancelo will start at right back and cucurella will start at left back to be honest and walker will be the rotation. I also wouldnt rule out cancelo playing right wing at times now that we have erling as cancelo`s delivery is amazing so if mahrez needs a rest cancelo can play wide right, walker right back and cucurella left back.
For the moment, we have signed 2 extremely talented players, in Erling and Julien. Let's not forget that they are debutants though -and Guardiola's football is highly demanding and sophisticated. Let's also not forget that they are extremely young...

Have we listened to Rodri's interview following City's first friendly? He basically said that there is no such thing as time to adapt. He himself was not given time when he first arrived, that's what he said, apparently the manager expected him to perform from minute 1 on the pitch. Gives you an idea about City's standards these days...

When I listen to our players talking about Erling especially, I can sense their expectations. You see, we have a team that has operated without a genuine striker for so long. In Guardiola's world, that fact never counted as an excuse though. We developed a way of playing so as to effectively deal with that problem. But let's try to understand how stressful that process has been. The mental preparation it took. Players had to be sharp and focused from ref's first whistle. Working very hard as a collective to get that fucking first goal, so as to remove the pressure a bit. Getting used to missing silly sitters, staying calm and composed, avoiding frustration, trying again. And again. And again. Other top clubs had the easy goal, they could therefore hide significant weaknesses, also sit back or / and control the game, protect the lead, seek for counter attacks. City did not have that luxury, our boys always had to work harder. I can only imagine the related accumulated mental fatigue. But now we have Erling, right?

Erling (especially) and Julien are fully aware of the above mentioned expectations. They will wear the shirt of MCFC, a club which will try to defend the Pl title, winning it for a third consecutive season. A club which will fight for both domestic clubs. A club which will make another attempt for the CL trophy. I mean, they are 21 / 22 yo, how much more pressure do you want on their shoulders?

Further factors under consideration:
- Key players in midfield with an injury record (and over 30 yo), others (like Bernardo) who have worked their asses off for years.
- As the team stands, Jack and Riyad being the main options in the wings.

For a team operating in the PL, with ambition in 4 competitions, all the above players (plus the two forwards) will need rotation (so as to remain competitive, also for protection purposes). Which means that a player like Phil, for example, has to be ready so as to provide cover for 2 + 3 = 5 positions. It only takes 2 injuries at the same time in the above mentioned areas for things to become complicated. 3 injuries (or more), and Pep's masterplan is fucked...

To conclude this, we need another forward. Some people are asking for a winger, others for a striker. I say a forward. Not an attacking midfielder able to operate as a forward. A forward. With the whole package: Tactically flexible as much as possible (I've already explained why). Quick, sharp, creative, competitive with the ball, intelligent, finisher. The whole package...

For people wondering perhaps if such a decision would "undermine" Cole's progress, for example, think before you post. Because I could be really cynical (if not provocative) by saying that City's primary objective is to win the league and the CL, not to develop players. But I won't do that. On the contrary, I adore our strategy, a mixture of top down and bottom up procedures, able to produce miracles under Guardiola. Still we have to understand that we are talking about an extremely delicate and "sensitive" strategy here...

As a poster expressed it briliantly recently, clubs at a lower level do have the luxury of developing players, accepting the related cost in terms of points dropped. A luxury that does not exist for City, our status is different. We do care about that process for a number of reasons, still Pep has always been extremely careful in terms of finding the right balance. If he hadn't, people asking for youngsters would be the first to crusify him, take my word for it...

Do you remember the irony in those cunts' words when Phil renewed? Of course you do. Do you remember anyone of those "journalists" apologizing in the process? Neither do I. Phil's incorporation within the team is the very definition of an excellent practice, should be taught in seminars. So smooth, therefore effective. No burden on his shoulders, no irrational expectations. The boy grew as a player naturally. A process that did not hurt the team. On the contrary, its standards kept increasing...

Guardiola has the expertise, plus he cares. He accepts this as another responsibility of his. Cole, James, all the boys are very lucky. They will get the best education, it's up to them to "absorb" the information, mature as quickly as possible, becoming organic members of the squad (again, remember Rodrigo's words). I think they have accepted that reality. Us fans need to understand that lowering the standards so as to facilitate their progress is not an option. Cole, James and the rest need to force their way in. Proving that they are good enough for THIS City. Otherwise, for some of them there will always be opportunities for making a decent living as professional footballers at a lower level...

Bottom line:
  • All the above define minimum requirements. It's what the application of a risk assessment procedure would -not suggest but- actually dictate. Provided they are fulfilled, we can then pray that we will avoid injuries in midfield, our central defenders will recover soon etc. Once again I will repeat myself by saying that the physical and mental effort "invested" especially during the last 2 years has been extraordinary, literally out of this world. Hopefully we will avoid negative consequences. Which means our staff responsible for condition and fitness have once again a very complicated job to do. Also, exactly because of the above mentioned history, another concern would be related to a sense of relaxation, taking it a bit easy, if you understand what I mean. We've experienced something similar during the beginning of the 2019-20 season (yes, I cannot forget that fucking Norwich away match), following the amazing 2018-19 season. It's human nature. But I'm sure the boys remember the price we paid back then -and Pep will be alert.
  • For our hierarchy (in terms of transfer strategy): You either hide behind the manager OR use the authority you have (and the knowledge and understanding of the sport you are supposed to have, but unfortunately you don't) and make the appropriate decisions, for a team that is once again expected to challenge for all existing trophies. You either punish the best manager in the history of the sport for not acting like a **** (of the Mourinho type) OR choose to effectively support him. I see no other option...
"We are indeed light by 2 players now (at least) AND we have been for years." Just fixing your last sentence a bit, hope you don't mind...

By your logic, why not count people like Kevin or Bernardo for all positions (including GK)? They are versatile, no? And if asked, will play even with one leg. Won't hesitate, take my word for it, they've been proving it for years...

A poster just wrote that the lack of squad depth nearly cost us the league. Perhaps he hesitates to go on and finish it, but I won't because I've already said it, providing arguments I considered as self-evident. Yes, it did nearly cost us the league AND also did cost us the CL...

Obviously I was wrong, since there are people actually questioning "...the amount of our preseason friendlies" and other similar shit. If I'm not mistaken, City are the last PL club starting preseason preparation, are we sure we all understand the reasons behind that? Are we sure we understand that these boys have been physically - mentally seriously fucked for like 2 years in a row? Are we sure we understand they needed to fucking rest for as mush time as possible? Like DESPERATELY? And now there is a 3rd consecutive highly complicated season ahead (with a fucking WC in the middle)...

The same poster I'm referring to above expressed his disapointment for failing to learn the lessons of the past. Personally that is what bothers me the most. Combined with an attitude that already seems to be cemented within our hierarchy: No matter what, somehow Guardiola will indeed find a solution to all kinds of fucking problems, as our chairman expressed it recently...

You see, Guardiola is not Mourinho. People like the latter will never be happy with the quality and quantity of their human resources. Even if they, objectively speaking, have more than expected / needed. Makes no difference to them: It's a strategy, building alibis from day 1 -and covering their asses. And they will even go public with that. I mean, the whole world needs to be informed (that they are not happy)...

On the other hand, you have a certain Guardiola who will never complain. Always expessing his gratitude to the club, always happy with the players at his disposal. And always making the most out of them, with or without a SC, or a LB (or whatever). I'll say it once again, the achievements of the 2018-19, 2020-21 and 2021-22 seasons respectively, are literally out of this world considering the circumstances, products of a team OVERACHIEVING. I can only assume that our board disagrees with that statement, they consider these developments just natural...

I will also assume that they are over-relying on our manager. But we should already know by now that the man is a pure voluntarist, with such a strong will -and he needs protection from that. No striker? I will not cry about it, that's what he'd actually said. Developing a strategy so as to deal with that problem and so many others, associated with a series of limitations (I've talked about that extensively recently, not coming back). A successful strategy leading to another monumental achievement. And now historians and writers will have to elaborate on a new chapter in terms of football theory and practice, explaining (if they can) how it can become possible to compete at this level domestically and abroad, and how to succeed in the PL without a genuine striker...

I do not understand why we have to force things though. Taking unnecessary risks (or shooting ourselves in the foot, as expressed by a poster above). Because eventually football will take its revenge and punish you, exactly for disrespecting (and ignoring) basic requirements of competition at the highest level. Like it did back in 2019-20 for not replacing Vincent. The worst case scenario did occur, as we all remember, losing Eric early with a serious injury (from which he hasn't fully recovered, if you ask me) -and the rest is history. Or like it did recently when we were obliged to use Ferna as RB, marking VJ. A situation inconceivable for a club like City. Embarrassing, there is no other way to describe it. And so on...

Now the manager is on the record saying that he "...will follow the club". As always. We will indeed try for a LB, but if we don't make it, there is Nathan, Josh etc. Anybody surprised? He does mean it, you know. He's been proving it for 6 years in a row. And, as far as I know, he's said nothing regarding replacing Raz / Gabby (feel free to correct me if I am wrong). So:

1. LB:
Like everybody, I guess, I will wait to see how developments turn out. Like everybody, I guess, I would have hoped the matter already been closed by now, for obvious reasons. But the transfer business is complicated, I accept that. I do have questions regarding moves (or not moves) related to that area. And there are signs reminding me the (unsuccessful) way we have handled similar situations in the past. It's an ongoing process though, plus we lack the whole info. Hopefully the club operates on the basis of a strategy which eventually will be justified...

No further comment at the moment. Obviously there is no debate regarding the necessity of the transfer. I consider such a discussion as an insult to this forum's intelligence. Period.

2. Forward line:
Having lost Sterling - Jesus, the easiest thing is to point at the amount of goals (plus assists) between them, last season for example. Everybody knows the number. But it's way beyond that. In terms of individual attributes, Gabby has been an invaluable asset, providing cover across the whole forward line, and becoming an inspirational figure for his teammates in terms of work ethic. As for Raheem, in his good day his explosiveness could literally decide games, opponents would be hopeless. Against packed, organised defences, when confident and focused he was able to produce actions such as the ones vs Villa away (penetrating from the left and setting up Ruben at the edge of the box for our first goal), Villa at home (leaving Digne for dead from the right and providing an inch perfect cross for Gundo, again for our first goal) etc...

But most of all, we lose two players who have been working with the team for years, 100% familiar with the way we operate. Vs Everton at home (1st goal) for example, how can you explain Sterling's "blind" run forward? It is a matter of telepathy between him and Joao (in one of the best assists of the seaon), no other way to describe it. How many hours of quality practice on the training ground are "responsible" for such a goal?

And by the way, we are talking about Pep's version of total football here. Which means, it's not just about how the team anticipated their moves and set up Raz / Gabby. It's also the other way around, how Gabby and Raheem set up their teammates. How many times have we witnessed Raz at the edge of the box, with an attacking midfielder making that "blind" run in a pocket of space inside the box? David Silva or Ilkay Gundogan, for example, expecting Sterling's assist? A well known pattern through the years, 2 City players combining and beating 4, 5, 6, 7, even 8 (I'm not kidding) opponents. As for Gabby, a born team player, we will miss the economy and directness in his game, characteristics able to produce actions such as that wonderful assist to Bernardo vs Villa away...

The only way to compensate for such losses is bringing in good, "hungry" players who will enhance internal competition and facilitate Pep's absolutely essential rotation policy, keeping the whole squad fresh and sharp. But they will need time, no matter what...

For the moment, we have signed 2 extremely talented players, in Erling and Julien. Let's not forget that they are debutants though -and Guardiola's football is highly demanding and sophisticated. Let's also not forget that they are extremely young...

Have we listened to Rodri's interview following City's first friendly? He basically said that there is no such thing as time to adapt. He himself was not given time when he first arrived, that's what he said, apparently the manager expected him to perform from minute 1 on the pitch. Gives you an idea about City's standards these days...

When I listen to our players talking about Erling especially, I can sense their expectations. You see, we have a team that has operated without a genuine striker for so long. In Guardiola's world, that fact never counted as an excuse though. We developed a way of playing so as to effectively deal with that problem. But let's try to understand how stressful that process has been. The mental preparation it took. Players had to be sharp and focused from ref's first whistle. Working very hard as a collective to get that fucking first goal, so as to remove the pressure a bit. Getting used to missing silly sitters, staying calm and composed, avoiding frustration, trying again. And again. And again. Other top clubs had the easy goal, they could therefore hide significant weaknesses, also sit back or / and control the game, protect the lead, seek for counter attacks. City did not have that luxury, our boys always had to work harder. I can only imagine the related accumulated mental fatigue. But now we have Erling, right?

Erling (especially) and Julien are fully aware of the above mentioned expectations. They will wear the shirt of MCFC, a club which will try to defend the Pl title, winning it for a third consecutive season. A club which will fight for both domestic clubs. A club which will make another attempt for the CL trophy. I mean, they are 21 / 22 yo, how much more pressure do you want on their shoulders?

Further factors under consideration:
- Key players in midfield with an injury record (and over 30 yo), others (like Bernardo) who have worked their asses off for years.
- As the team stands, Jack and Riyad being the main options in the wings.

For a team operating in the PL, with ambition in 4 competitions, all the above players (plus the two forwards) will need rotation (so as to remain competitive, also for protection purposes). Which means that a player like Phil, for example, has to be ready so as to provide cover for 2 + 3 = 5 positions. It only takes 2 injuries at the same time in the above mentioned areas for things to become complicated. 3 injuries (or more), and Pep's masterplan is fucked...

To conclude this, we need another forward. Some people are asking for a winger, others for a striker. I say a forward. Not an attacking midfielder able to operate as a forward. A forward. With the whole package: Tactically flexible as much as possible (I've already explained why). Quick, sharp, creative, competitive with the ball, intelligent, finisher. The whole package...

For people wondering perhaps if such a decision would "undermine" Cole's progress, for example, think before you post. Because I could be really cynical (if not provocative) by saying that City's primary objective is to win the league and the CL, not to develop players. But I won't do that. On the contrary, I adore our strategy, a mixture of top down and bottom up procedures, able to produce miracles under Guardiola. Still we have to understand that we are talking about an extremely delicate and "sensitive" strategy here...

As a poster expressed it briliantly recently, clubs at a lower level do have the luxury of developing players, accepting the related cost in terms of points dropped. A luxury that does not exist for City, our status is different. We do care about that process for a number of reasons, still Pep has always been extremely careful in terms of finding the right balance. If he hadn't, people asking for youngsters would be the first to crusify him, take my word for it...

Do you remember the irony in those cunts' words when Phil renewed? Of course you do. Do you remember anyone of those "journalists" apologizing in the process? Neither do I. Phil's incorporation within the team is the very definition of an excellent practice, should be taught in seminars. So smooth, therefore effective. No burden on his shoulders, no irrational expectations. The boy grew as a player naturally. A process that did not hurt the team. On the contrary, its standards kept increasing...

Guardiola has the expertise, plus he cares. He accepts this as another responsibility of his. Cole, James, all the boys are very lucky. They will get the best education, it's up to them to "absorb" the information, mature as quickly as possible, becoming organic members of the squad (again, remember Rodrigo's words). I think they have accepted that reality. Us fans need to understand that lowering the standards so as to facilitate their progress is not an option. Cole, James and the rest need to force their way in. Proving that they are good enough for THIS City. Otherwise, for some of them there will always be opportunities for making a decent living as professional footballers at a lower level...

Bottom line:
  • All the above define minimum requirements. It's what the application of a risk assessment procedure would -not suggest but- actually dictate. Provided they are fulfilled, we can then pray that we will avoid injuries in midfield, our central defenders will recover soon etc. Once again I will repeat myself by saying that the physical and mental effort "invested" especially during the last 2 years has been extraordinary, literally out of this world. Hopefully we will avoid negative consequences. Which means our staff responsible for condition and fitness have once again a very complicated job to do. Also, exactly because of the above mentioned history, another concern would be related to a sense of relaxation, taking it a bit easy, if you understand what I mean. We've experienced something similar during the beginning of the 2019-20 season (yes, I cannot forget that fucking Norwich away match), following the amazing 2018-19 season. It's human nature. But I'm sure the boys remember the price we paid back then -and Pep will be alert.
  • For our hierarchy (in terms of transfer strategy): You either hide behind the manager OR use the authority you have (and the knowledge and understanding of the sport you are supposed to have, but unfortunately you don't) and make the appropriate decisions, for a team that is once again expected to challenge for all existing trophies. You either punish the best manager in the history of the sport for not acting like a **** (of the Mourinho type) OR choose to effectively support him. I see no other option...
"We are indeed light by 2 players now (at least) AND we have been for years." Just fixing your last sentence a bit, hope you don't mind...

By your logic, why not count people like Kevin or Bernardo for all positions (including GK)? They are versatile, no? And if asked, will play even with one leg. Won't hesitate, take my word for it, they've been proving it for years...

A poster just wrote that the lack of squad depth nearly cost us the league. Perhaps he hesitates to go on and finish it, but I won't because I've already said it, providing arguments I considered as self-evident. Yes, it did nearly cost us the league AND also did cost us the CL...

Obviously I was wrong, since there are people actually questioning "...the amount of our preseason friendlies" and other similar shit. If I'm not mistaken, City are the last PL club starting preseason preparation, are we sure we all understand the reasons behind that? Are we sure we understand that these boys have been physically - mentally seriously fucked for like 2 years in a row? Are we sure we understand they needed to fucking rest for as mush time as possible? Like DESPERATELY? And now there is a 3rd consecutive highly complicated season ahead (with a fucking WC in the middle)...

The same poster I'm referring to above expressed his disapointment for failing to learn the lessons of the past. Personally that is what bothers me the most. Combined with an attitude that already seems to be cemented within our hierarchy: No matter what, somehow Guardiola will indeed find a solution to all kinds of fucking problems, as our chairman expressed it recently...

You see, Guardiola is not Mourinho. People like the latter will never be happy with the quality and quantity of their human resources. Even if they, objectively speaking, have more than expected / needed. Makes no difference to them: It's a strategy, building alibis from day 1 -and covering their asses. And they will even go public with that. I mean, the whole world needs to be informed (that they are not happy)...

On the other hand, you have a certain Guardiola who will never complain. Always expessing his gratitude to the club, always happy with the players at his disposal. And always making the most out of them, with or without a SC, or a LB (or whatever). I'll say it once again, the achievements of the 2018-19, 2020-21 and 2021-22 seasons respectively, are literally out of this world considering the circumstances, products of a team OVERACHIEVING. I can only assume that our board disagrees with that statement, they consider these developments just natural...

I will also assume that they are over-relying on our manager. But we should already know by now that the man is a pure voluntarist, with such a strong will -and he needs protection from that. No striker? I will not cry about it, that's what he'd actually said. Developing a strategy so as to deal with that problem and so many others, associated with a series of limitations (I've talked about that extensively recently, not coming back). A successful strategy leading to another monumental achievement. And now historians and writers will have to elaborate on a new chapter in terms of football theory and practice, explaining (if they can) how it can become possible to compete at this level domestically and abroad, and how to succeed in the PL without a genuine striker...

I do not understand why we have to force things though. Taking unnecessary risks (or shooting ourselves in the foot, as expressed by a poster above). Because eventually football will take its revenge and punish you, exactly for disrespecting (and ignoring) basic requirements of competition at the highest level. Like it did back in 2019-20 for not replacing Vincent. The worst case scenario did occur, as we all remember, losing Eric early with a serious injury (from which he hasn't fully recovered, if you ask me) -and the rest is history. Or like it did recently when we were obliged to use Ferna as RB, marking VJ. A situation inconceivable for a club like City. Embarrassing, there is no other way to describe it. And so on...

Now the manager is on the record saying that he "...will follow the club". As always. We will indeed try for a LB, but if we don't make it, there is Nathan, Josh etc. Anybody surprised? He does mean it, you know. He's been proving it for 6 years in a row. And, as far as I know, he's said nothing regarding replacing Raz / Gabby (feel free to correct me if I am wrong). So:

1. LB:
Like everybody, I guess, I will wait to see how developments turn out. Like everybody, I guess, I would have hoped the matter already been closed by now, for obvious reasons. But the transfer business is complicated, I accept that. I do have questions regarding moves (or not moves) related to that area. And there are signs reminding me the (unsuccessful) way we have handled similar situations in the past. It's an ongoing process though, plus we lack the whole info. Hopefully the club operates on the basis of a strategy which eventually will be justified...

No further comment at the moment. Obviously there is no debate regarding the necessity of the transfer. I consider such a discussion as an insult to this forum's intelligence. Period.

2. Forward line:
Having lost Sterling - Jesus, the easiest thing is to point at the amount of goals (plus assists) between them, last season for example. Everybody knows the number. But it's way beyond that. In terms of individual attributes, Gabby has been an invaluable asset, providing cover across the whole forward line, and becoming an inspirational figure for his teammates in terms of work ethic. As for Raheem, in his good day his explosiveness could literally decide games, opponents would be hopeless. Against packed, organised defences, when confident and focused he was able to produce actions such as the ones vs Villa away (penetrating from the left and setting up Ruben at the edge of the box for our first goal), Villa at home (leaving Digne for dead from the right and providing an inch perfect cross for Gundo, again for our first goal) etc...

But most of all, we lose two players who have been working with the team for years, 100% familiar with the way we operate. Vs Everton at home (1st goal) for example, how can you explain Sterling's "blind" run forward? It is a matter of telepathy between him and Joao (in one of the best assists of the seaon), no other way to describe it. How many hours of quality practice on the training ground are "responsible" for such a goal?

And by the way, we are talking about Pep's version of total football here. Which means, it's not just about how the team anticipated their moves and set up Raz / Gabby. It's also the other way around, how Gabby and Raheem set up their teammates. How many times have we witnessed Raz at the edge of the box, with an attacking midfielder making that "blind" run in a pocket of space inside the box? David Silva or Ilkay Gundogan, for example, expecting Sterling's assist? A well known pattern through the years, 2 City players combining and beating 4, 5, 6, 7, even 8 (I'm not kidding) opponents. As for Gabby, a born team player, we will miss the economy and directness in his game, characteristics able to produce actions such as that wonderful assist to Bernardo vs Villa away...

The only way to compensate for such losses is bringing in good, "hungry" players who will enhance internal competition and facilitate Pep's absolutely essential rotation policy, keeping the whole squad fresh and sharp. But they will need time, no matter what...

For the moment, we have signed 2 extremely talented players, in Erling and Julien. Let's not forget that they are debutants though -and Guardiola's football is highly demanding and sophisticated. Let's also not forget that they are extremely young...

Have we listened to Rodri's interview following City's first friendly? He basically said that there is no such thing as time to adapt. He himself was not given time when he first arrived, that's what he said, apparently the manager expected him to perform from minute 1 on the pitch. Gives you an idea about City's standards these days...

When I listen to our players talking about Erling especially, I can sense their expectations. You see, we have a team that has operated without a genuine striker for so long. In Guardiola's world, that fact never counted as an excuse though. We developed a way of playing so as to effectively deal with that problem. But let's try to understand how stressful that process has been. The mental preparation it took. Players had to be sharp and focused from ref's first whistle. Working very hard as a collective to get that fucking first goal, so as to remove the pressure a bit. Getting used to missing silly sitters, staying calm and composed, avoiding frustration, trying again. And again. And again. Other top clubs had the easy goal, they could therefore hide significant weaknesses, also sit back or / and control the game, protect the lead, seek for counter attacks. City did not have that luxury, our boys always had to work harder. I can only imagine the related accumulated mental fatigue. But now we have Erling, right?

Erling (especially) and Julien are fully aware of the above mentioned expectations. They will wear the shirt of MCFC, a club which will try to defend the Pl title, winning it for a third consecutive season. A club which will fight for both domestic clubs. A club which will make another attempt for the CL trophy. I mean, they are 21 / 22 yo, how much more pressure do you want on their shoulders?

Further factors under consideration:
- Key players in midfield with an injury record (and over 30 yo), others (like Bernardo) who have worked their asses off for years.
- As the team stands, Jack and Riyad being the main options in the wings.

For a team operating in the PL, with ambition in 4 competitions, all the above players (plus the two forwards) will need rotation (so as to remain competitive, also for protection purposes). Which means that a player like Phil, for example, has to be ready so as to provide cover for 2 + 3 = 5 positions. It only takes 2 injuries at the same time in the above mentioned areas for things to become complicated. 3 injuries (or more), and Pep's masterplan is fucked...

To conclude this, we need another forward. Some people are asking for a winger, others for a striker. I say a forward. Not an attacking midfielder able to operate as a forward. A forward. With the whole package: Tactically flexible as much as possible (I've already explained why). Quick, sharp, creative, competitive with the ball, intelligent, finisher. The whole package...

For people wondering perhaps if such a decision would "undermine" Cole's progress, for example, think before you post. Because I could be really cynical (if not provocative) by saying that City's primary objective is to win the league and the CL, not to develop players. But I won't do that. On the contrary, I adore our strategy, a mixture of top down and bottom up procedures, able to produce miracles under Guardiola. Still we have to understand that we are talking about an extremely delicate and "sensitive" strategy here...

As a poster expressed it briliantly recently, clubs at a lower level do have the luxury of developing players, accepting the related cost in terms of points dropped. A luxury that does not exist for City, our status is different. We do care about that process for a number of reasons, still Pep has always been extremely careful in terms of finding the right balance. If he hadn't, people asking for youngsters would be the first to crusify him, take my word for it...

Do you remember the irony in those cunts' words when Phil renewed? Of course you do. Do you remember anyone of those "journalists" apologizing in the process? Neither do I. Phil's incorporation within the team is the very definition of an excellent practice, should be taught in seminars. So smooth, therefore effective. No burden on his shoulders, no irrational expectations. The boy grew as a player naturally. A process that did not hurt the team. On the contrary, its standards kept increasing...

Guardiola has the expertise, plus he cares. He accepts this as another responsibility of his. Cole, James, all the boys are very lucky. They will get the best education, it's up to them to "absorb" the information, mature as quickly as possible, becoming organic members of the squad (again, remember Rodrigo's words). I think they have accepted that reality. Us fans need to understand that lowering the standards so as to facilitate their progress is not an option. Cole, James and the rest need to force their way in. Proving that they are good enough for THIS City. Otherwise, for some of them there will always be opportunities for making a decent living as professional footballers at a lower level...

Bottom line:
  • All the above define minimum requirements. It's what the application of a risk assessment procedure would -not suggest but- actually dictate. Provided they are fulfilled, we can then pray that we will avoid injuries in midfield, our central defenders will recover soon etc. Once again I will repeat myself by saying that the physical and mental effort "invested" especially during the last 2 years has been extraordinary, literally out of this world. Hopefully we will avoid negative consequences. Which means our staff responsible for condition and fitness have once again a very complicated job to do. Also, exactly because of the above mentioned history, another concern would be related to a sense of relaxation, taking it a bit easy, if you understand what I mean. We've experienced something similar during the beginning of the 2019-20 season (yes, I cannot forget that fucking Norwich away match), following the amazing 2018-19 season. It's human nature. But I'm sure the boys remember the price we paid back then -and Pep will be alert.
  • For our hierarchy (in terms of transfer strategy): You either hide behind the manager OR use the authority you have (and the knowledge and understanding of the sport you are supposed to have, but unfortunately you don't) and make the appropriate decisions, for a team that is once again expected to challenge for all existing trophies. You either punish the best manager in the history of the sport for not acting like a **** (of the Mourinho type) OR choose to effectively support him. I see no other option...

Interesting read, thank you for posting, That said, i do think you have contradicted yourself a few times.

You say City (Rhodri ) don't give players time , then you state that new players will need time to adapt.

You then state that we need a new forward, then go on to state how players like Phil znd Gabby gave us great cover option's upfront.

Which is it??

but why sign a proper left back and not play him mate? I think cancelo will start at right back and cucurella will start at left back to be honest and walker will be the rotation. I also wouldnt rule out cancelo playing right wing at times now that we have erling as cancelo`s delivery is amazing so if mahrez needs a rest cancelo can play wide right, walker right back and cucurella left back.
Oh , i think he will play but he doesn't just walk into the starting 11. Cancelo -walker will be the first choice and will be rotated with cucurella. We will have the options with cucurella. Rest will be dependent on tactics, fitness, teams etc
but why sign a proper left back and not play him mate? I think cancelo will start at right back and cucurella will start at left back to be honest and walker will be the rotation. I also wouldnt rule out cancelo playing right wing at times now that we have erling as cancelo`s delivery is amazing so if mahrez needs a rest cancelo can play wide right, walker right back and cucurella left back.
Walker's pace is a big asset as we have seen on many occasions so I still see him starting plenty of games next season.

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